Chapter Four

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"Reporters are crawling around Lakewood like it's their job or something..." Brooke said while sneaking a look out the hospital window.

"Well you see Brooke, it actually is their job." Noah shot back with a sarcastic tone.

"Why are you even here Noah, shouldn't you be at home talking to your blogcast or whatever it is you do?"

"It's a podcast, Brooke. If you're going to talk about The Morgue, please get it right."

Audrey walked into the room with a few snacks from the vending machine in hand, "They were out of chocolate peanut butter so I had to get double chocolate crunch instead."

"Oh Audrey perfect timing, Noah was just on his way out."

"See you guys later, I've got a blogcast to get working on." Noah gave Brooke a hug and fist-bumped Audrey on his way out.

Brooke motioned for Audrey to take a seat next to her on the hospital bed, "Does Stavo know?"

"I'm sure he has to know by now, he's probably seen the news."

"Why do I always go for guys that just ghost whenever things get ugly?"

"You haven't spoken to Stavo at all?"

"No Audrey, being attacked by a masked psychopath last night kind of threw a wrench in my plans to text him."

Audrey leaned over to the nightstand and picked up the TV remote, "Let's see what the reporters are saying about this."

"Deceased Mayor Maddox's daughter was attacked in her home late last night. Reports of her lost brother showing up are also flooding social media. What else is this family hiding from the people of Lakewood?"

"So Brooke, what's the deal with that guy anyway?"

"I still don't know where he came from."

Audrey jumped up from the bed, "Don't you want to find out?"

"No, and I don't really want anything to do with him Aud."

Brooke's phone started ringing and she turned it over to see who was calling. "Oh my god, Stavo is calling me. What should I do?"

"Answer Brooke!"

She sat up urgently in the bed and flipped the hair out of her face, "Hello?"

"Brooke! Are you okay? I heard you were attacked! What hospital are you at?"

"Stavo, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen." Brooke started crying.

Audrey side-eyed Brooke from the corner of the room.

"It's okay babe, we'll get through this together. You and me. My dad's probably out working hard to find out who this prankster is."

Brooke's jaw dropped and she fell back onto her bed. Audrey looked at Brooke, put her hand on her leg and whispered, "You need to tell him."

"Hello? Brooke? Are you still there?" Stavo's faint voice was still buzzing out of the phone in Brooke's hand.

"I'm sorry Stavo, there's something I need to tell you. Something terrible." Tears were still swelling up under Brooke's eyes. "Your father, he didn't make it. He's gone."

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