the world comes apart at the edges

27 2 0

[the two stand there, together, looking up as the world falls apart.]

[ONE turns to TWO and sighs.]

ONE: have you ever thought about, say, what happens when you die?

TWO: you lose consciousness, your body shuts down, you-

ONE [off TWO]: you know that's not what I mean. Meant? Will mean...? Guess it doesn't matter, it's all bleeding together.

ONE: I mean, what happens to you when you die. Not, not your body, or your soul, you.

TWO: I'm... not sure. I mean, I figured that it'd be nothing.

ONE: okay, let me rephrase. Have you ever thought about everything?

TWO: Everything?

ONE: The universe. Beyond that. Beneath it. Before and after and life and death and the sky that's breaking apart in front of you.

[a pause.]

TWO: not really.

ONE [off TWO]: well, I have. And so do most people, I think. At some point, looking up and deciding that it's just... nothing, or, or paradise, or something. But yes, I thought about it, and I always have, but there was, was one thing that changed... nothing, and everything, and me.

ONE: I was right.

TWO: ...nobody's right when it comes to that.

ONE: then maybe I am nobody, whoever they are. Or aren't. But do you know, do you know what everything is? It's nothing. Everywhere is nowhere, forever and never.

TWO: are you sure?

[a pause.]

ONE: ...what is your name.

TWO: uh, my name is-

ONE [off TWO]: nevermind. It doesn't matter.

TWO: sure it does.

ONE: no, it doesn't. Because everything is nothing, and so are you. Neither of us. Once we are gone, nothing will ever remember us for us. This conversation, it doesn't matter because soon it won't exist. It never has. It's all the same, now that-

TWO [off ONE]: why are you-

ONE [off TWO]: I was right. I was right! I, I can comprehend infinity, the universe, something so vast that its own destruction means nothing, the destruction of all consciousness won't change anything because it's so, so big that nothing, not even your humanity can do anything about it.

[a pause.]

TWO: well, we're here. Now. Which means something to me.

ONE: I don't... understand.

TWO: as we stand on the edge of everything, I'm listening to you tell me about nothing, and I'm watching the stars collapse above my own head with my own eyes, and I'm unable to imagine how this can't mean something.

ONE:'re wrong.

TWO: so what-

ONE: it's not a bad thing. You're just not listening. No point, really, because you won't, you can't understand. Just me.

TWO: you're crying.

ONE: I am.

ONE: odd, because I haven't... once I knew, I was so scared, but then it stopped. Like the world, now.

ONE: I can understand time, and it's not a sequence, or a line, or... it's just... it's just there, i-it's not even an absence, or a mass, it's just there but it won't be. And life after death, it's a pretty concept but experiencing eternity isn't -- do you know how unbearable that is? How pitiful, how terrible existing is because it will stop, but nothing else -- the nothing will continue, just not for you, and I've seen it. I've lived my own existence and felt so afraid, and then it ended and I stopped. And I understood.

[a pause.]

TWO: I don't get it, and I don't really care.

[a pause, ONE ignoring the comment]

[ONE looks at the spreading cracks in the sky.]

ONE: it's reaching us, now.

TWO [insisting]: I think you're wrong.

ONE: ...wrong.

TWO: about everything, and nothing, and eternity.

TWO: I think you're wrong.

[a very long pause. TWO resumes looking at the sky. ONE looks down at themself, at their hands.]

ONE: oh.

TWO: what?

ONE: I feel... afraid.

[the world ends, and quietly, so do they.]

a script I wrote at 2 amTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang