Engagment part 2

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Harry POV'S
I walked up to the door of hermiones house. I was exsited. Tonight I may have a fiancé. I knocked on the door and within seconds the door was opened and there stood Hermione in the most beautiful dress I have ever seen.
" Hey you look beautiful" I said.
" Thanks" as Hermione pulled me in for a kiss. We walked to the lake were I had set up the picnic. I was hoping Hermione would like it I spent ages on it.
Hermiones POV'S
Harry brought me to a lake and we walked to this little section and there was the most beautiful picnic I had ever seen. I was in shock it was so beautiful that my mind was not thinking straight.
" so do you like it " harry asked.
" Harry i don't like it I love it" .
" Good".
All we did for the rest of the night was eat food and talk about how much we have been through the past couple of years and we have been through a lot toghther and I would change it for the whole of my heart.
" Hermione can I ask you something"
" Sure Harry anything".
" well I was wondering if you would... marry me " .
My gaw dropped I was hoping it would happen soon and it just did.
" Yes".
And with that he put the ring on my finger and we spent the rest of the night together.

Author note - sorry guy for not updating any of my storys but I have been having writers block and I can't think of anything to write and finally I had this idea and I didn't want to make you wait any longer so I just did the first thing I thought you would like. Hope you liked it and I love you all mkbye

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