Wedding part 3

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Hermione POV
I am standing in the house I'm waiting for my dad to come this is it when I walk out here I will be marring Harry and I won't be Hermione granger anymore I will be Hermione potter. I am nervous when but I don't care. All I care about harry and if I'm with him I'm fine he makes me feel safe and we are unstoppable when we are toghther. My dad arrives and the music starts playing so I take my dads arm and we walk down the isle.
Time skip to when they say I do...

Do you Harry take Hermione Jean granger to be you lawfully wedded wife".
" I do".
" do you Hermione take Harry James potter to be your lawfully wedded husband".
" I do ".
" with the power vested in me I pronounce you husband and wife you may kiss the bride.

Sorry that is is not very long but I had not Internet to post and I have been running out of ideas so can you leave comments for the next chapter can I be something that happens in the after party thank you. Guys remember to stay cat and look at cat pitchure I will be putting a pitchure of a cat at the end of every cat on every chapter I post on any storys from now on so go check the first cat.


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