
I yawn tiredly, rushing over to the microwave as the timer went off. The digital clock read 9:45. I grabbed the macaroni out of the miniature oven after it cooled down for about a minute or so. I set it on the fancy, glass table and grabbed a metal fork from a drawer.

 There were lots of perks from getting the apartment furnished, such as not having to decorate. I was the worst when it came to color-coordination and making outfits look nice, so I always had my maid do that. Now, though, I only had myself. At least I wouldn't have to decorate the apartment. I sigh, bored, and grab the TV remote and turned on the TV. 

The clear glass screen attached to the wall flickered on, giving footage of the Westwood Luxury Apartment Complex and talking about all of the different stars in it. The people living in it varied drastically- it had everything from world renowned doctors to famous musicians and dancers. Even a businessman's daughter. The reporter soon started talking about the recent killings in Pennsylvania. Someone killing so and so with a robotic hand. Something of the sort, anyways. I gulp down the steaming hot macaroni, casting my eyes towards the ceiling, inspecting every inch of my new home.

 After I'm done with my dinner, I place the fork in the sink and throw away the box of the microwaveable dinner. I open the fridge and grab a bottle of water before walking over to the couch and settling myself in comfortably. Everything about this place seemed... luxurious, like the name. 

Maybe it was just the oddity of my parents not being around, but something seemed off. My phone buzzed, startling me. I grab it off the spotless glass coffee table and turn it on. My eyebrows shoot upward. My phone read:


UNKNOWN: Just a heads up, but.....

UNKNOWN: It would be better if

UNKNOWN: You went

My eyes go wide. This was.... Startling. My phone goes off again, and I nearly drop it. Fingers trembling, I tap the screen. There's another message.

UNKNOWN: To the lobby.... On the top floor. It would make our job much, much easier.

I throw my phone onto the ground, a small squeaking noise erupting from my throat. "I shouldn't be startled.... It's just a message," I whisper to myself, looking around the room. I look out a window to see the sun setting, the lights eerily creeping into the room. A sudden knocking comes from the door, and I jump from my spot on the couch. Not caring that I'm wearing bunny pajamas, my bare feet take me across the floor to the door. Hands shaking, I open it. 

Surprisingly, it's the son from the family that won the lottery. "Y-Yes?" I stutter, my eyes darting around the hallway he came from. I notice that his expression isn't one that you'd greet your neighbor with. I look up to his face. He was rather handsome, with rugged black hair and chocolate eyes. His eyes were almost wild, though.

 "Your phone- did you get the message?" My heart races. "I wasn't the only one?" My voice is quaking now. Fear chills me to my bones. I clear my throat and regained my posture. I will not be a stereotypical scared girl. I'll hide my fear and put on a tough facade. I feel my expression go calm. I learned how to hide my fear when my stepmother came along. If I hadn't, life would be much, much worse.

 "Why are you here? Just to tell me that everyone got the message?" I ask. Questions, so many questions were going through my head, but those were the only ones I managed to voice. He shook his head. "You have to go to the 20th floor, now! If you don't, you're going to get killed like he did." There was a trace of anger in his expression. Since I was already on the 19th floor, I didn't have to go far. I decided to play it safe.

 "Ok. Let's go," I said precisely, walking out of the door and shutting it behind me. With all of the celebrities in the complex, it almost didn't surprise me that someone would target us. It was cruel but true at the same time, since at least five of the families were hated by America. He walked towards the elevator, and I followed. "My name's Alexander."

 I glance at him. "Valeryia." I respond. "Yeah, I know," He says with a humorless smirk. "You said someone died," I start to say gently. "Who was it?" He tensed up, and looked at the ground. "My little brother," His voice cracked with emotion. "He-he," his voice shook.

 A bell like chime went off, and the left elevator opened. He walked in and pressed the 20 button. I follow him, and when the elevator doors closed I felt trapped. Like something was going to come out of the dark and rip me to shreds. I shiver with the horribleness of it all. "He?" I ask faintly, my voice quiet. "Got stabbed in the heart. He went into his room, and then he screamed, so I... I ran over to him, and there was blood... everywhere. He said... He said to go to the 20th floor otherwise the bad man would come for us...." Tears well in his eyes

. I can see that he desperately wants to cry, to let it all out, but he has to be strong for everyone else. I know how that feels. Sooner than I would've wanted, the elevator doors slide open. The whirring sound of the doors sliding open give me the chills. 

I walk out onto the carpeted floor. The 20th floor was a recreational area, with swimming pools and gyms and everything you could ask for. I distantly hear the sound of multiple people crying out for help. Someone was screaming that their phone didn't work so they couldn't call for help. I blink twice, pushing back tears. I never was good with hopeless situations. I look over to see Alex already running towards the door that lead to where everyone else was. 

I could tell by the wailing. I slowly follow, not sure if I'm ready to witness famous people losing hope, when they gave me hope at one point. A shrill, piercing sound comes out of nowhere. The voices seem to go quiet. I stop in my tracks, and Alexander does too, turning around. 

My eyes are wide in panic, darting around the room, trying to find a source for the horrible noise. Sudden a voice breaks through the piercing noise. "Ladies and gentleman, now that we've all gathered around, let's get this show on the road!" I hear a few people cry out. My head is spinning, and I'm telling myself to wake up. 

This has to be a horrible nightmare. Wake up, wake up! I look up to see a bright white fog come out of the air vents. This can't be real...... a memory runs through my head, and I finally realize. The voice belonged to Erik Astandian. I grab my shirt and pull it over my nose, and I look over to see Alexander doing the same. 

The gas comes towards me, and not knowing what to do, I hold my breath. Time seems to pass slowly as I walk towards Alexander, us both heading for the door. My vision starts to blur. I swear I see stars as I can't hold it any longer. My lungs are on fire, and I feel as if I'm going to pass out any second. "Someone help..." I whisper as I take a deep breath of air. My world turns upside down as I crash to the ground. I hear someone yelling off in the distance.

 My vision blurs out, and soon I don't see anything. I can't tell if I just closed my eyes or not. I faintly hear someone else crash to the ground. I giggle, because we're all falling to the ground, one by one. Soon I can't hear my own giggles, but that's ok. I lose feeling in my fingers, but it's all ok, because everything's going to be all right. It has to be, because that's what my mom promised before she got divorce. It will all be ok, sweetie, so don't worry. "You're a liar, mom," logic said. Sometimes logic was right.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Aug 20, 2017 ⏰

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