0.7: 9 PM

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((Trigger Warning: Depressing Thoughts))


Kyleigh's Point Of View


I saw her beautiful face again, and her bright smile and her soft hands.  I take a closer look at her.  But.. But her eyes.  Those eyes.  So malevolent.  "Kyleigh.. Help me.  You couldn't protect me.  I trusted you.  I TRUSTED YOU!  But now, I have an army..  After being tortured for far too long. My love for you is gone..  All I want is vengence.  It's your fault that I am what I am now.  You couldn't save me.  Now, no one will be able to save you.  NO ONE!!  Now, let's see how much pain I can cause you.  Sweetheart."  It taunts me

I stood up, but fall back down.  I tried to get away from that thing..  "GET THE HELL AWAY!!!"  I scream, "YOU'RE NOT HER!"  I push myself up, walking backwards as Sam- that thing gets closer.  "Stay still." I hear a man say.  It was a deep voice..  Well, deeper than Dean's I think.  I felt fingers or a hand on my forehead.  It's gone..  "What in hell's name was that."  I said, wanting to know what it was, scared if that'll actually happen.  "One of many outcomes from the apocalypse." I look at the man, "You better not be a halluci-fricking-nation 'cause you got to raven black wings that I am tempted to touch."

'Wait a minute... the wings are molting, it's November.. Not when it's supposed to..'  I thought to myself.  "What-" I started to ask but was rudely cut off by the Angel.

"Now, I must go right now." He says to me, walking down the hall.  I left on the floor, wondering what had happened.  'It was morning rather than night, I must've passed out before seeing that.. vision, I guess I could call it.'  I thought to myself.

I stood up, supporting myself by grazing the wall..  "Kyleigh! Kyleigh! Kyleigh!  Kyleigh!"  The absent Angel says excited, hopping up and down.  I tell her, "Stop making me jump please."  "No!"  "Why are you so excited?"  "That's Castiel!  He's a soldier!"  "Stop being so cheery!" I say to the Angel.  She stops hopping and says "I took care of him when he was a Fledgling!!"  "I don't care!"  I tell her, "Why didn't you stop it?!"  

"What do you mean?"  

"That horrible vision!" I informed her.  "I had to Sam turned into a black eyed monster!"

"I can't stop that..  Castiel is much more powerful than me, in fact you are the vessel of the weakest Angel."  She tells me this very important detail now.  "Oh, thanks for telling me now.  That wasn't important."  I saw rolling my eyes, crossing my arms.  "Hey!  If it wasn't for me then you wouldn't be alive!"  "..who said I wanted to live..." I mutter to the Angel who shared the same body as me.  "Even if you did kill yourself, which is stupid, I wouldn't have let you die."  "Tch," I scoffed at the Angel and began to go where Castiel went, which would be the basement or the apocalypse survival room.  I walk down the stairs breathing in and out, knowing that I could try dying right this second, but she wouldn't let me.  Anything I'd try to do, she'd stop me from dying.. "Are you trying to find a loop hole?" She asks me.

"What do you think?  I don't want to see Sam turn into a monster.  I don't want to see that..  It's taking the sun away.  Everything else would start to die off and there will be eternal darkness.  So, tell me.  What do you think?"  I told her.  "She was my light, I wanted to die everyday and borderline was going to try.  She changed me for the better.  I would curse at myself and others but now I don't, not as much.  So I'd rather die now than see my Angel become the Devil.."

"I know you don't want this to happen.  But her being here will limit you, Kyleigh.  I know this.  She's going to die, not now, then later.  But you are going to be here still.  You'll be here doing good, while what?  She'll be waiting for you, worrying for you.  Her life would be wasted either way."

"You're harsh," I tell her, rubbing my wrist.  "You're no Angel."

I see Dean and he said "I heard you screaming, you're okay right?"  "Not really, have you seen an Angel's wings?"  I ask, curious.  "Yeah, but not physically.  It's weird, it's more of a shadow."  "I see, I saw an Angel's wings.  It's an Angel called Castiel's, do you know the guy?"

"Yeah, where'd Cass go?" He asks me.  "I dunno."  I tell him, wanting go somewhere else to argue with the Angel.  "Tell me when you find him okay?"  He says patting my back.  "Okay?" I say as he lets me roam where I want.  'I can't find the winged man or sense his presence at all, so I guess I could know how the hell I'm going to stop Sam from-  SHIT!'  I start to search for my phone, Sam might've been called me this whole time and it seemed that I was being an asshole!  She could've died, it could've been Werewolves or Ghosts or Vamps!  I check my ripped black jeans, I then check my plaid shirt.  I look for it in my hoodie pockets.  I grab it from my sewn in cellphone pockets.

I read the text on the screen:

7:01 PM - The monsters are outside Kyleigh, I'm scared

7:01 PM - They're not leaving

7:01 PM - are you there?

7:05 PM - They broke the windows

7:05 PM - I'm scared.

7:10 PM - Electricity's out



7:30 PM - Please..

8:00 PM - They're trying to get to me.

8:00 PM - I'm hiding in the garage.

8:50 PM - Missed call from 'Sam ♡ My Angel'

8:51 PM - 5 Missed calls from 'Sam ♡ My Angel'

9:00 PM - This is what you get Kyleigh :)

Freedom Without WingsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora