15 |Extension Cord 1

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Cutting her car off, Y/n got out quickly, ready to walk into her new home. After a long day at work, she just wanted to sleep in peace and eat pizza. She got her 2 boxes of the Hawaiian pizza, entering the home. Putting the boxes on the counter, she changed into something more comfortable. She hadn't set her stove up yet so there was no time to cook.

"Ahh." She let out a sigh in relief as her blazer unbutton. She grabbed an oversize shirt and her gray booth shorts. After saving her suit, she made her precious way back downstairs. Sitting at a stool, she opened her box of pizza that contained pineapples and ham chunks. Just how she like it. Rubbing her hands together, she reached for a slice, ready to grub. Putting the slice to her mouth, she heard her doorbell ring.

"Aww, man!" Her teeth sucked as she made her way to the door. She peeped through the hole to see a man with a hat and uniform on. She opened the door, looking him up and down.

"Hi,I'm Keith. I'm here for Y/n Y/l/n? Your cable is being set up today." She nodded, letting him come in. His eyes closed as he smelt the Hawaiian pizza. He ignored it, standing in the middle of the living room.

"I want you to do the living room, master bedroom, cinema room, and the mini tv in the kitchen." He followed her upstairs which held 8 doors. One was open, he saw a big 160' inch screen so he knew it was the cinema room. Y/n went downstairs and began eating her slice of pizza. Her head threw back as she enjoyed the meal and forgot the man was upstairs. She didn't even know what he was doing , her ass was just hungry.

Seeing the TV didn't have a remote by it, Keith searched around for it, but didn't see anything. Walking downstairs, he met up with Y/n in her kitchen.

"Excuse me, where's the remote for your TV? I can't find it." She looked around before walking up to her kitchen supplies cabinet for the remote. She reached the back with her last two fingers, since she bad tomato sauce on her front ones. She closed it, turning around to see Keith looking at her box. Gulping the pizza down, she passed it to him. Hawaiian topping was his ultimate favorite.

"You want some?" He didn't wanna seem too greedy so he shook his head no.

"It's the least I can do. Take some if you want some." She pulled a plate from the pack , sliding it over to him. He shrugged taking 2 slices, putting it onto the plate. She went to the sink as the man ate the pizza. He threw his plate away, licking his fingertips, rubbing the left over spit on his navy pants.

Making his way back up the stairs, he opened the remote, throwing the batteries in. After 20 minutes of plugging, flipping channels and setting up, Keith was done with the cinema room. He went to all the other rooms as Y/n showed him. He set her cable up, finally done with his job. He met back downstairs with Y/n seeing she was watching TV. She looked up back at his figure,seeing he was done.

"You finished already?" She got up, walking over to her wallet. She grabbed a hundred out and twenty, handing it to him.

"No, your cable is already paid for."

"I know. This is a tip for coming out here. Especially 2 hours away from the company." He smiled generously, taking the money. He shoved it in his pocket, walking towards the door, opening it.

"Well thank you, and we all know COX asses don't pay good." He laughed as the young girl chuckled. His eyes caught her pearly whites that held diamonds to the bottom. His eyes lit up at her smile, his heart skipping. She watched his eyes, quickly closing her mouth, thinking she had food in her teeth.

"Well...it was nice meeting you, Keith and thanks for setting up my cable, because child, I was tired of watching Netflix." He laughed once again, making his way out the house.

"You're welcome. Have a nice day. Enjoy your cable, Ms. Y/l/n."

"You too." She waved and closed her door, watching him get in the truck. He pulled out her driveway, speeding off. Y/n closed her door, locking it and going to her cinema room. She got a blanket and laid on her recliner, turning on the TV. Her mind drifting off, Y/n thought of Keith with his uniform off. The cover got heated underneath, her fingers traveling to her throbbing kitty.

She slid her underwear off, cocking her legs at the foot of her recliner. Her brown legs shifted with her small fingers, rubbing her clit. The girl focused on the cable that Keith hooked up.

'Extension cord ready.'

This was just a little some some about K.P. Today is his party so, I can't wait for his actual birthday. My baby is finally gonna be 25!❤. I love him to death and he's my idol of another gender. I have mad love for the man and I would LOVE to see him living it up like a grown man. I would LOVE to see him to do grown shit before he hits 30. Life is too short and Keith needa live the shit up, And party like it's 1999 :)

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