Chapter 10

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A/N Two chapters in 1 day! Wow! I'm so nice to y'all. Not. Sorry for not updating for soooo long. School just started and my teachers are piling up so much homework. Anyways enjoy. Anyway a dedicated to hogwartsjournal
Also there are some bits taken from the Orignal book (all of u know which)





"AL!! Get up we are going to Diagon Alley today. Come on Al,you're getting your wand today!"

I jumped up at that, causing a jumping Lily to fall off of my bed. Laughing I pulled her.

"Mum says we're leaving in half an hour." Lily informed me, before walking out of the room.

Without bothering to look at what I was picking out, I selected a random set of clothes. After breakfast, Mum ushered us towards the fireplace, and dad hand out the bag, which contained floo powder to James, who took it, throwing it into the grate,and yelling Diagon Alley, and whipped out of sight.

Dad held the bag out to me next, and taking a pinch of the powder, throwing it into the roaring fire, which turned green. Sucking in a breath, I managed to yell out "Diagon Alley, before coughing wildly into the ashes.

I stumbled into James who was waiting for us, with an annoyed expression on his face. "What took you so long?" He asked, as Lily and Mum appeared.

The fire roared again and Dad stumbled out."I'm never going to get used to this." He muttered, before clapping a Han on my shoulder.

"I'll take Albus with me to get his robes. James do you need some?" he questioned James.

Shaking his head wildly, James  muttered something about about WWW and disapeared down the street, towards the bright joke shop.

"I'll take Lily with me, and get their books" Mum said and she and Lily started down the street toward Flourish and Blotts.

"Well Al, it's just you and me I guess," Dad said as he steered me into 'Madam Malkins' shop.

"Aah first year?" She questioned. I just nodded mutely and followed her into the back of the shop.

"Got another young man being fitted right now." She said.

I stepped into the footstool and let Madam Malkin do her stuff.

The boy next to me turned. "Altair." He said. "Altair Nott."

I smiled at him."Albus Potter."

The boy smiles. "nice to meet you Albus. I'd shake your hands but Madam Makin'll get mad." He winced. " And you don't want that to happen." He shuddered as though remembering an unpleasant memory. 

"Right, you're all done." "Next" The assistant said loudly.

Altair smiled and hopped off
of the stool."See you at Hogwarts,Albus"


"Right we got all we need, now just your wand, and owl left."

 Albus Potter and the Secrets of Merlin{SLOW UPDATES}Where stories live. Discover now