"Lisa," I warn, but it turns into a nervous fit of giggles as she starts to suck and nibble on my pulse point, sending a shiver down my spine.

"What?" she murmured. "It's not like we haven't done it before..."

My eyes immediately widen and catch Harry's incredibly intrigued eyes boring into my soul as we continued stumbling towards our rooms.

"Hey! Not fair," I laughed nervously. "I was young, confused, and not to mention, extremely trashed. You took advantage of me," I chuckle, trying to play it off to keep my street cred in front of our boss.

"You liked it," she mumbles, her kisses moving down a bit further on my neck and nibbling again, starting to leave marks in their wake.

"No means no," I laugh, gently pushing her off of me. "I fuck guys."

She moaned as she pulled away with a whine, narrowing her focus away from me and onto a very intrigued Harry. She really was horny, and if I wasn't going to play, she was going to find someone who would. Unfortunately for me, the only person here was Harry.

"You know...," she whispers, her arms moving away from my waist to settle in around his. His eyes were gazing into hers intently, and a shot of jealousy ran down my spine. Feeling bold, she moved a hand upwards, making her index and middle fingers playfully walk their way up the expanse of his torso before her palm laid flat over one of his pecs. "I've never slept with a guy before..."

My eyes widen at the declaration, peering up at Harry's bewildered expression. Both of us are staring intently at him.

He simply stares down at her dumbly, shocked as she starts to move her hand back down his chest, gently playing with the hem of his shirt before slipping her hand underneath it to fiddle with the top band of his boxer briefs. I can't help but watch in petrified awe, jealousy swimming deeper over my features as I watch one of my best friends, a friend who doesn't even like guys, take her opportunity to sleep with the man I've been crushing on for years.

"Lisa! You're drunk," I hiss, unable to hold my words back, my tone coming out harsher than I intended. "Let's get you to bed before you do something stupid."

Lisa ignores me and leans in, letting her nose nuzzle against his. I watched his eyes get darker before he dipped his head down, capturing her lips with his, their tongues dancing with each other in heightened ecstasy as his hand gently cupped her face. She slowly pulled away, biting her lip as he gazed at her intently, his eyes trained on her now like a predator eyeing his next meal. The look made my own knees weak and he wasn't even looking at me.

"You wanna get some, girl?" He groans out huskily, tilting his head to the side as a cocky smirk pulls at his pink, puffy lips.

"On one condition," she mutters. He raises his eyebrows curiously. "Kelly has to come too."

Wait...what? What did she just say? They want me to do what? With them? As in...?

Is it hot in here?

I bit my bottom lip as I felt Harry's gaze on me, his eyes working up and down my body slowly, drinking in my figure as his tongue lapped at his lower lip in thought.

"Oh, she can come alright," he smirked, his voice thick with a suggestion that made my entire body weak.

Lisa bursts into giggles as she quickly wraps her arms around our waists, nearly dragging us to the elevators in a faster pace than either of us are accustomed to. Harry and I both ask her where we're going, but instead of answering, she simply slips her hands into the front pocket of his tight black skinny jeans, eliciting a whimper and a swipe of his tongue across his lips in response.

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