The Honeymoon

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"Oh, stop your giggling. You'd think you were happy, or something....Mrs. Styles," he laughed, but his eyes were full of love. In fact, he was blown away by this feeling, the knotting of his stomach, and the tingle that would slide through his veins every time his eyes caught her.

Deep down, he had always thought that weddings were super overrated, and something he would never willingly participate in. Yet, somehow, here he was. And he didn't regret it for a second.

"Mmm....I'm definitely happy, Mr. Styles. But I'll be happier when you stop staring at me like I'm going to disappear, and pick my sexy ass up and carry me over the threshold so I can get this dress off. I swear, I can't breathe," she giggled again. Her chin slightly tilted up towards his, and the smile on her face was just radiant.

"...and who said you were going to take your dress off?" he asked curiously.

They were now standing outside of the door to their new vacation home in Cannes. Neither of them had even been inside, part of them buying it for the neighborhood, and the other part of them buying it for the spontaneity. Besides, it would make it easier for their Honeymoon if no one knew where they were going.

He just chuckled a little as he looked down at their joined hands, lightly allowing them to swing back and forth. He looked back up at her and just stared into her eyes as they stood on the porch, still dressed to the hilt in their wedding attire. He lifted a gentle hand to allow his thumb to graze her cheek while he took in the form of the woman of his dreams glowing in the pale moon light. He gently pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.

He could tell she was lost in the moment, not even bothering to come up with a reply. He slowly allowed his head to bend to hers, her eyes like acting like a gravitational pull, finally letting his lips touch hers. As soon as their soft flesh touched, he felt the familiar fire slide through his veins, the same fire he felt when he watched her walk down the aisle a few hours ago.

As she got lost in their kiss, his hand reached for the door knob that he had already unlocked and released the security code. He gently pushed the door open and picked her up in one fell swoop, only letting his lips pull from hers so that he could see where they were walking.

He smiled as she rested her forehead against his, and he could feel her warm breath tickling his nose. He unwillingly sets her down to go back to the door, gently locking it and setting the security alarm.

When he turned back to pick her up again, she had already started taking her hair down, and he pouted. Again, he wasn't one for ceremonies and stupid traditions, but her hair was coiled in perfect ringlets, and he just wanted to slide his fingers through them.

"Baby..." he whined. "Don't do that yet..."

He smiled at her giggle. "Why? You wanna do it?" she asked, biting her bottom lip.

"The possibility exists..." he trails off again before looking up at her with a cheeky grin.

He didn't waste time on any more conversation, walking over to her swiftly and picking her up again before making his way up the stairs to where the master bedroom was. He could feel her fingers playing with the slight hair at the back of his neck, and it sent shivers down his spine.

As soon as he got her to the bedroom, he gently let her down, watching her kick her heels off immediately and go back to her short stature. He smiled and nodded to the bathroom.

"Let me help you unzip...and then I'll let you do your thing. I know you had a whole outfit planned, and I don't want to ruin it..." he smiled. He grabbed her pink polka dot suitcase that she insisted on, and he rolled it into the massive bathroom that might as well have been another entire room.

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