What have you done in your life ?

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Isn't this the question which we all ask ourselves at one point or the another?

Looking around we realize that many famous people who are younger or at our age have accomplished so much in their life.
So that makes me ask myself, what have the rest of us done?

I guess the answer is quite forthcoming, I think we all have majorly  Just WAITED in our life. 
We have waited for the right college to get admitted too, have waited for the right kind of friends to come around to hang out with, have waited for the right girl to come in our life.

I think this is the fundamental difference between us and famous people.

They are the go-getter kind and we are let's wait and see kind.

We are always too scared to take a risk, too scared to make the first move, too scared to do anything new which is not of the usual norms.

By usual norms, I mean anything which is ordinary.

By our country's standard doing engineering or becoming a doctor and having a safe 9-5 job is what quantifies for ordinary. Anything apart from that is NOT ALLOWED.  

I personally know many people who are exceptional at dance and at singing.  But they aren't go-getter kind, they wait for an opportunity to come around and don't make their own platform. 

Bottom line is:-

1.)  Social media is your platform, it is a worldwide platform for your talent. 

2.)  Showcase your talent and make a name for yourself.

3.)  Brace yourself for criticism while you are at it.   

4.)  Be a Go-Getter.

 And most importantly  "Have faith in YOURSELF, YOU CAN DO IT !!! "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2020 ⏰

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