Chapter 4: What Kind of Entrance Exam is This!?

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Eli passed by one of the already destroyed 2 pointers and touched the green metal of the robot, her body began to turn the color of the robot. She then stopped in front of another 3 pointer before punching it in it's face, making it crumple then explode. However she wasn't even scratched. Her body then began to return to it's normal color as she wiped her brow.

"That makes 56 points now..." Eli said panting. She then heard the sound of a robot behind her, as she turned around to punch it, it then suddenly fell on top of her, making her fall backwards.

"Oops! Sorry Eli-chan!" A familiar voice said. Eli sat up rubbing the back of her head, and tried to make out the figure in front of her. It was Honoka. She then turned the robot around to look at the number painted onto it. "Dammit! Another 1 pointer!" Honoka complained, before running off again. 

"Honoka?" Eli then mumbled. She then stood up and dusted herself off, before running a different direction.

I can't let myself get distracted just because Honoka is here... Eli thought to herself.


Umi ran past another destroyed robot. She gritted her teeth.

This one is also covered in ice... whoever is destroying these robots sure has a lot of points, maybe 164? At least... I can't let myself fall behind...

Umi then opened her water bottle as she used the water to cut a three point robot in half. Umi then recounted how many points she had, which was 75.


Kotori grabbed one of the destroyed robots parts and used it to destroy another robot. She then smiled.

"46!" Kotori happily counted. She then heard two robots behind her. However as she turned around, she was shocked at what she saw. The two robots we're destroying each other.

"E-eh?!" Kotori stammered. She then noticed someone running away from the robots as they both exploded. Was that that girl's doing? If so I wonder what her quirk is...


Seira ran past two other robots and touched them, as she did the two of them turned towards each other and started destroying each other.

48... Seira recounted in her head. She then saw in the corner of her eye, a greyish haired girl. She was holding part of a broken robot and was using it as a weapon to destroy other robots. Is she quirkless? Or does her quirk not work well with the kind thing we're going against? It doesn't matter. I just have to keep getting points...


Yumi looked at her hands as they began to drip with water. She was using the fire from a building to warm her hands before destroying any more robots. As she did she looked around at the destroyed robots and the other people running around frantically trying to get more points.

Maybe I shouldn't have taken out so many robots...178 points should probably be enough to keep me in first place anyways...

Yumi then noticed a red haired girl destroy a robot by touching other broken robot parts and making them teleport into the robot, causing it to explode.

A quirk that let's you teleport things... interesting...

Yumi then turned back to the fire and wiped the water off of her hands onto her red track pants.


Honoka then panicked at the announcement.

Crap! Crap! Crap!

She then found a 3 point robot walking around. Her face lit up as she ran over to destroy it, only for a short black haired girl to pop out of the ground and destroy it.

Crap!!!!! Honoka thought to herself as the robot fell to the ground destroyed right before her eyes.

"Yes!" The other girl said. "Nico's not gonna lose to anyone here!" She then said pointing her index finger at Honoka.

"E-eh??!!" Honoka was about to retort against the girl's comment when suddenly the whole ground shook a little.

"What was that? Somebody's quirk?" The black haired girl said. No wait that's not right if that were the case I would've felt it multiple times before...



Honoka's eyes then widened.

"I-is that...the zero pointer?" She said in disbelief.


Umi looked up in the sky to see a massive robot standing taller than the 10 story buildings.

"Is that thing the zero pointer?" Umi asked herself, her voice in fear. "How are we supposed to avoid that?"

Someone then walked up behind her.

"Is this some kind of joke? Why's the zero pointer the biggest one here?" The person behind Umi said.

Umi turned around and saw a grey haired girl with a side ponytail pulled to the right with her bangs hanging out. She had dark maroonish eyes, and was wearing a red track suit.


Yumi noticed everyone beginning to run away from the giant as it swung it's arm breaking all the buildings in it's paths. Blocks of concrete began falling to the ground followed by shards of glass. As one of them was about to stab the blue haired girl, Yumi used her ice to block it.


Umi's eyes widened as the grey haired girl blocked Umi from getting hit.

"T-thanks..." Umi said shocked. What an  amazing reaction time... Not only that but her quirk...

"Woah!! Is that the zero pointer!!" A voice said from behind them. Umi looked behind her to see a certain maroon haired girl, with light blue eyes. "Man it sure is huge huh?"

Yumi also looked behind her.

"What are you so excited for?"

"Well I mean it looks like a pretty strong opponent!" The maroon haired girl said smiling.

Yumi looked annoyed.

"Hey you two look pretty strong! Mind helping me take down that big guy?"

Umi looked at the girl shocked.

"But it's worth zero points."

"Well yeah, but I'm bored just killing these weak things I wanna go against something cooler and bigger like this thing!"

Yumi sighed.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt to take down this thing. It's causing the other people here problems too anyways..." Yumi said looking up at the giant robot.

Umi also looked up.

"So how do we do this then?"

"Isn't that obvious?" The maroon haired girl said, smacking her fist in her hand, causing a burst of flames to erupt. "Just keep hitting it till it's dead!"

Yumi held out her hand and cold mist came out of her hand and fell down to the ground. Umi sighed, while water began dripping off of her fingers from her arms.

"I guess we're really gonna do this then..." Umi said, before charging along with the other two girls.

Author's Notes

Hey guys I'm back with two new chapters! I'm really sorry for such a long delay. I've been super busy with school, sports and thinking about colleges. Not only that but I had the longest writer's block ever! But I managed to get past that to write this chapter! Thank you for staying with me through all of this and I hope to see you guys in the next chapter!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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