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"Xavier?!" I screeched staring at the man in front of me. He smirked. "Hello Gorgeous." He said like we're still dating. Now that made me narrow my eyes. "What the Hell are you doing here?!" I hush screamed at him. He walked in my house like he owned it. "I was in the neighborhood and decided I'd come and pay my gorgeous wife a visit." Then he added. "You've got a nice house with the money I sent you." That had me fuming with anger. "Ex-Wife. And I did not even take your money! I payed a lawyer to not send me anything at all! And your lawyer agreed with the contract. So nothing in this house belongs to you!" I screamed. "Mommy?" I heard my baby's voice sound from the bottom of the stairs. My eyes widened as I was still looking at Xavier. I felt a hand tugging on my pants I looked down and picked him up. "What's wrong baby?" I said holding him as he later his head on my shoulder and wrapped his arms around my neck. "You haven't tucked me in." He pouted. "Ok how about I take you up to bed and tuck you in so you'll sleep and Mommy can chat with this man. Okay?" He raised his head and looked at the man. "Who are you?" He raised an eyebrow. Xavier raised his too. Oh my god they look so alike when they do that. "Xavier White. What's your name?" He questioned right back. "Ashton Alexander Anderson. Now what are you doing here this late with my Mommy? Shouldn't you be in bed like a good little boy? After all that's all I see." He said cockily and sassily. I saw Xavier looked amused before he said anything I butted in. "Okay time for the little boy to go to bed and I mean you." I said to him sternly. "One minute Mommy." He said and wiggled to be put down. I sat him down hoping he will go towards the stairs but he went towards Xavier. He leaned up a little bit. "Listen here you little pervert, touch my Mommy or you'll have to deal with me. Only me and my Daddy are aloud to touch MY Mommy. So keep your mangy paws to yourself." He said and walked back over to me who was standing frozen in shock with my hands over my mouth. I looked at Xavier and his eyes were full of shock and mischief. I quickly picked him up and took him upstairs and tucked him into bed. "What did I tell you about manners?" I asked. "Sorry. I don't want you getting hurt. I love you too much." He said hanging his head. I sighed and hugged him. "It's okay Triple A. I know. Mommy loves you too." I gave him a kiss on the forehead. I cracked the door and walked downstairs where the devil was happily lounging on my couch staring intently at me. "Now. What the hell are you doing here? And don't give me that 'I was in the neighborhood' bullshit. You always have a reason so spit it out." I hissed and glared. "Maybe I missed you. So I decided to come and visit the love of my life and it just so happens that I have a son as well. When were you going to tell me about that?" He said with his smoldering brown eyes. "Bullshit! Why the hell would you miss me? We have absolutely nothing anymore! And for all I know the love we had was as fake as that bimbos body! And never! I was never planning on telling you about him! You know why?! I wanted my son to be able to live a life without a disappointment cheating bastard as a father!" I screamed. His face hardened. He took intimating slow steps towards me. "I missed you because your the only women for me. And if I ever hear you say we had absolutely nothing I'm gonna remind you just how much we do have and when you scream my name you'll remember just how much history we have. The love we have and had is real as real as your tits which might I say are looking pretty damn fine to me" he said looking at my boobs which were in a deep v-neck red crop top with black leather jeans and Louis Vuitton boots. I tried covering my chest with my arms but they ended up crossing and pushing them up which made his eyes darken. Perfect, just what I need. "And for the record. I only cheated because you did-" I went to protest and cuss him out when he stopped me. "And before you open your mouth the photos were photoshopped and I had no idea. I was blinded by rage and jealousy. And I'm sorry." He took a deep breath at the end and his eyes softened. I narrowed my eyes. I took a deep breath and stepped closer and I heard his breath hitch a little. I smirked a little. "I. Don't. Care. You broke my heart over photos wait scratch that photoshopped, fake photos. Sorry isn't gonna cut it. Now. I say this as nicely as possible. Go to hell and get out of my house." I said as I was talking I was walking and sent him through the door and when I finished my sentence slammed the door in his face and walked away leaving him stunned.

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