E. 9. "Activate Duplicate" (1/4)

Start from the beginning

"Whoa, wait, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop--!" Brandon freezes himself just as he is sandwiched between the ladder and the wall. He lets out a sigh of relief seeing that the ladders have stopped stacking themselves against each other. "Okay. Now I have to get off."

He slowly lets go of the right handle and transfers his right hand to the left handle to get a good grip to step off. He clutches onto the left handle.

"ULP!" Brandon squeaks as he is squeezed against the wall by another ladder popping into view. "Help." He hastily yanks his leg into the air, puts it on the floor, then with great balance, pulls the rest of his body out from the tight space he is in. Finally, he pops out, stumbling for a bit, but then manages to gain his balance.

He lets out another sigh of relief. "That was close." He then peers up at the scene in the bedroom: A line of ladders that are exactly the same as each other is acting as a barricade, making it a challenge to get into the bedroom.

Thankfully, Brandon is on the side of the doorway.

He immediately turns around and speedwalks out of the room, mentally taking a note to deal with the odd situation later on.

Brandon arrives at the empty kitchen without any other strange incidents along the way. He ambles to the kitchen sink that is to his left to get a frying pan for his breakfast.

He grabs hold of the panhandle that is jutting out from the pile of other clean dishes and yanks it out into the air.

Another frying pan instantly materializes and drops onto the floor with a loud clank. Brandon stumbles back in fright and for safety to avoid the kitchen equipment falling on his foot.

"What?" He groans. "What is going on?" He leans over and picks up the new frying pan.

Immediately, another frying pan slips from the new frying pan, clanging against the floor.

Brandon stares at the three frying pans. "How?" He transfers the second frying pan to his hand that has the original frying pan to have a free hand. Right away, another frying pan flies into view and rattles against the floor.

"Oh my goodness." Brandon places the frying pans he is holding on the countertop. He then swoops over to grab the newest frying pan from the floor.

Instantly, another frying pan pops into view.

"No!" He places the frying pan he is holding on the countertop and grabs hold of the new frying pan.

Yet another frying pan appears and flings itself onto the floor. CLANG!

Brandon lifts his eyes up with a straight line as his mouth. "You've GOT to be kidding me."

He then reaches out toward the frying pan, determined to get all of the frying pans onto the countertop.


Rounding the foyer into the living room is the other resident of the Monarossabergie House, Joseph Cramarossa. He quickly catches sight of the growing pile of frying pans from the kitchen, immediately halting in place. He gives the scene an incredulous expression with his hands stuffed in his khaki shorts' pockets.

The pile of frying pans shakes. Following is Brandon's head popping into view, surrounded by numerous pans.

"Found the pan already?" Joseph asks him flatly.

Brandon blows his hair from his eyes. "Hey, Joey, just-just one moment." He breaks free from all of the pans, causing a chaos of cacophony as more pans materialize into view: BANGCRASHCLANKBANGRATTLE!!!

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