Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Two days before

Kylie paced around her spa trying to reach Hayden. Her pale hands gripped the white IPhone she received for her last birthday, her chipped blue nails digging into the rainbow coloured case.

Hayden where are you? I thought we agreed on mani-pedis after school, Kylie texted angrily and slipped her IPhone into her Coach purse, before letting out a large sigh and running her hands through her blonde hair. This wasn’t how she wanted this afternoon to go.

Jaime looked at her from her spot on the couch, where she was currently angrily flipping through the first magazine she could find, obviously agitated that the other girl hadn’t showed up yet, “Kylie can we please just get on with it? I don’t think Hayden is coming.”

Kylie was upset. Hayden was an important part of their trio and she felt like she hadn’t seen the crazy girl in a long time, when it reality it had only been a few hours since they had parted ways at school.

Kylie nodded and walked over to the nail polish collection which was taking up the whole wall of the spa room. Her hair trailed in soft curly waves behind her.

“What colour are you getting?” Kylie asked glancing over at Jaime.

Jaime hurried over, her black heels clicking against the marble floor as she walked over. Her long dark brown hair swishing in her high ponytail behind her while she admired the rack for a moment.  Her eyes darted from colour to colour and she tapped her index finger against her lip.

It contained many high end polishes ranging throughout the rainbow. The corner or Jaime’s lip quirked up as she selected a shimmering blue, the kind of blue you see when looking out at the ocean at night and just as magical. She turned to Kylie, expecting her fearless leader to have chosen something wonderful.

Kylie’s expert eye gazed along the rack before coming to standstill. She reached her pale, dainty hand out to grab the fire truck red bottle and presented it to Jaime.

“That’s perfect Kyls! Which is great considering it’ll be your and Tucker’s big night!” Jaime said and winked.

Kylie laughed – she had been planning this party since she was sixteen. She did want her journey into an adult to start off with a bang and with over 500 guests this party was sure to be that. The after party of course was only for her and her boyfriend, Tucker. She felt giggly nerves going through her body when she thought about what was going to happen. And usually she wasn’t nervous about anything regarding Tucker, he was the perfect boyfriend and they knew each other like the back of their hands.

Kylie saw a flash of electric blue hair dart through the spa.

“Hayden!” she squealed. A bunch of old ladies turned to look at her with disapproving glares until they saw she was with the deputy mayor’s daughter. Jaime Monteese.

Hayden stuck her tongue out at the old ladies when they had turned their backs and walked into Kylie’s hug.

Hayden was a lot different than Jaime and Kylie. Her blue hair wasn’t just it, she was edgy in her leather jacket, short skirt and spiked belt although she could turn that around easily and appear in a white maxi dress the next day. She intrigued Kylie when she first met her a couple of years ago. Usually Hayden wouldn’t be someone that Kylie was drawn to but she felt some deep connection that proved to be true.

“Where were you?” Kylie asked

“Tons of traffic and then my phone died,” Hayden replied.

Later they settled in their facemasks and freshly painted nails and toes in the spa’s ‘cooling off’ room, reading teen vogue and admiring each other’s nails.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2014 ⏰

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