Hollywood rip ride rocket

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Smurfette:*holds camera* hello everyone we are back! And right now we are eatting breakfast then heading to the roller coaster!
Brainy:yeah I agree I got scared of going into that ride yesturday Thro the lights turned off and stuff
Hefty:That's part of the ride but I totally enjoyed it! Whoop whoop!
Clusmy:even through the chairs moved its cool through but my FAVORTIE part is when the ogre saves the princess from lord farquadd
Vanity:duh you knew that narrator! I thought you had some work to do so you came with us to vaction
Narrator:because I didn't want to miss all the fun! But work all day
Vexy:I told you girls! I been happy to be with all the smurfs on vaction it seems amazing! Don't you think??
Blossom:yeah I agree
Lilly:of crouse :)
Smurfette:*turns camera around* okay everyone who's ready to go?
Brainy:I'm so ready!
Vexy Lilly blossom willow stromy:yeah we are ready
N:oh yeah!
Smurfette:*walking and holds camera* okay so we are heading there now this is like the longest walkway ever!
-1 hour later-
Smurfette:*holding* well we are here at the roller coaster and we are in line so we cannot wait to ride it but I will head this camera to brainy so he can show you the full ride see ya after the ride everyone! *gives camera to brainy*
Brainy:*grabs it* hello everyone it's brainy here and today I am going to show you the full ride of Hollywood rip ride rocket
Smurfette:*sitting in front*
Vexy Lilly and willow:*sitting next*
Brainy hefty Clusmy papa and narrator:*sitting behind the girls*
Brainy:*holds* the ride will begin shortly! So cannot wait to show you the full ride! *turns camera around to the front*
-ride starts slowly-
Smurfette:whooo!! *puts hands up*
Vexy:*holds on* ooh yeah
Hefty:yeah let's go baby!
Narrator:let's do this
Papa:yeahhh let's do itttttt!
-then ride begins to drops-
Brainy:*holds camera* whooo!!!
Blossom:hahaha! This is amazing
-then ride stops for a minute-
Willow:whoo! *puts hands up*
-then ride drops again then goes sideways-
Smurfette:whooo!! *hands are up*
Vexy:*screams while laugh*
-then it goes through a loop-
Smurfette:*hands up* yessss!!
Hefty:*hangs on*
-then it stops-
Smurfette:that was amazing

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