Sherk 4D

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Smurfette:*holding camera* hello everyone we are back to ride one of our FAVORTIE sherk 4d right now we are eatting breakfast and then getting ready to head to the park!
Brainy:*laughs* yeah true
Hefty:I'm so excited whoop whoop
Smurfette:*gets up and holding camera while walking to the park* so we are going for a long walk instead of takeing the boat sooo it's good to walk so you can get to the parks early so it won't be a long line once you get into the ride
Clusmy:Hahahah stop it hefty
Hefty:okay I will :)
Brainy:you guys are wierd
Vexy:*rolls eyes*
Smurfette:*looks in camera* we are finally here and we are starting to head inside sherk 4D right now but it's a long line and it's a 50m wait and now I am going to pass the camera to papa smurf I will see you guys inside! *gives camera to papa*
Papa smurf:*holds it* hey! It's papa smurf here well we are in line right now my daughter cannot wait to show you guys the full ride! And we are waiting and so excited to head into the ride soooo I hope you enjoy the video! *turns camera around*
Smurfette:hey brainy
Smurfette:why don't you sit by the boys? And I sit with the girls?
Brainy:that's a smurftastic idea!
Smurfette:whoop whoop!
-they are waiting by the doors-
Papa:now once we are in front now of the doors I am now going to pass the camera to my daughter so you guys can see the full ride *gives it to her*
Smurfette:*holds* thanks papa hello everyone! We are back and we are ready to head inside now so show the full ride and I am totally excited this part will make you laugh and *points* you see there that's the mirror from the movie sherk and the pigs who are really funny they make me laugh a lot hahah! Anyway the show is about to began get ready! *turns camera around*
Brainy:*whisper* isn't that the ghost of lord farquadd?
Clusmy:yeah he's evil he tried to kidnap princess Fiona
Hefty:yeah I didn't like him at all how dare he steal the princess from sherk 😡
Vexy:I agree! He's the wrost I like the princess better anyone agrees?
Blossom:yeah she's beautiful 💙
Vanity:yeah I agree I like the princess she's like a warrior that's actually amazing!
Papa smurf:quiet now smurfs the show just started and your talking shhh!
Smurfette:*laughs while being on camera* Hahahahah!
Worker:attenionnnn! Everyone please wait Unitll the door opens the go into the end of row to the last seat thanks so much and have a great day everyone
Brainy:finally! Whohooo!
Clusmy hefty vanity Lilly blossom and stromy:yeah!
-doors opens to the theather-
Smurfette:*goes the the end of the row and holds camera to me* here we are at the theather! And we are excited! And very happy can't wait to show the full ride!
Brainy:yes! We in the back that's amazing
Worker:attention everyone you may now but your orge version goggles on and enjoy the show everyone
-lights turns off-
Smurfette:*turns camera around*
Brainy:*looks* ooooh!
Blossom:oohhh yeah!
Lilly:*laughs a little*
Stromy:ha you go princess!
Willow:look out for the dragon!
Papa smurf:*smiles and laughs*
Hefty and Clusmy:yeahhhh!!!
Smurfette:*holding on to camera and looks* yess- oh oh lord farquad!
Hefty:oh oh
Blossom:that isn't good ....
Lilly:he's a idiot
Stromy:oh boy -_-
Vexy:get away from the princess!
-lights comes on-
Smurfette:*looks* hope you guys loved that ride tomrrow it's rip rode rocket sooo see you tomrrow!

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