A fake ID card

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Red was in his room, reading a book about civil war. The poor little guy was struggling in school, but wanted to pursue his older brother in getting good grades so he could make both of them proud! His ears perk when his door opens and he smiles, "hi Vio!" He greets.

Vio smiled. "He dude..." he said. "Well I'm being dragged into going to a party..will you be okay stay at home by yourself?" He asked the smaller slightly chubbier male.

Red puts his book down and staggers to his feet. "I'm 15 now Vio. I can take care of myself." He giggles and pads up to his big brother, hugging him tightly. "Just have fun! Don't worry about me. I'll be sure not to eat a lot."

Vio smiled softly as he ruffled his brother's hair. He did trust him but he hated to leave his young brother alone. "If in some emergency call me or green, and on the very rare situation I am drunk..I'll try to text you to let you know I'll be home a bit late.." he said.

Red whines softly and leans close to Vio, booping their noses together. "Oh don't worry about me. I can take care of myself. I'm a big boy now!" He smiles brightly. "I'm more worried about you... but, I also want you to have fun. Do just go."

Vio smiled at the young boy. He was so precious and loving. "Heh. I guess I'll have some fun. Blue said shadow is going to be there so automatically I wouldn't go.." he said.

Red purses his lips in a small pout, tilting his head. "Aw Vio, shadow isn't so bad. He just likes a few pranks here and there." He tried to reassure his brother, because he truly wanted him to start making friends. He can't stay cooped up in his room studying forever!

"I guess...." he said looking down. 'I swear if he pulls another prank on me then I will make him regret it...' he thought. "Well I should get ready for the party. Remember no candy for dinner and try to have a vegetable in your dinner." He said.

"Aw... but can I have candy after I eat?" Red asked, his large eyes practically sparkling with innocence. His love for candy is what got him chubby in the first place. The kid was much too childish compared to his sophisticated brothers.

Vio nodded smiling softly at his innocent young brother. "A few pieces. I don't want you getting a belly ache." He said.
Green walked to them chuckling. "Stalling so you don't have to go to the party?" He asked.

Red nodded, though there was no way to tell for sure if he would obey Vio's orders. His pointed little ears perk up happily when he sees Green and got up to hug the oldest of the three. "Greeeeen!" He glomped on him, standing in his top toes to reach. "Have fun okay? Go easy on Vio! He doesn't like to drink!"

Green laughed. "Yea yea. I'll go easy on him...and besides I'm pretty sure he will just be drinking plain water..." he laughed.
The poor teen looked down. "I'm not drinking only because it's illegal to do that at my age. I could get into some serious trouble.." he said.

"Oh really? Then why hasn't Green gotten in trouble yet?" Red questioned, reaching up to squish Green's cheeks. "Is it because he's super tall?"

Vio looked at green glaring almost. "No. He lies about his age and had a fake ID card....." Vio said looking at the taller male.
Green was red with embarrassment. "How the hell do you know..." he widened his eyes. 'Last time he roots through my shit while I'm taking a shower or something like that....' he thought.

Red gasps and lightly hits Green's chest with his hand, "bad! That's illegal. You should be ashamed." He scolds his brother, pointing at him. "But... at the same time I can't stop you. So go have fun! I know you like hanging with Blue,"

Green chuckled. "Heh hey I can get into some really good clubs.." he said rubbing the back of his neck. "And thanks little man. Alright Vio. Let's get going. Just put on a hoodie or some shit like that.." he said.
Vio kissed his brother's forehead. "I'll be back maybe around eleven tonight. Nine at the earliest." He said to red.

Red closed his eyes, lightly grasping Vio's shirt with his small chubby hands. "Please be careful brother... I don't want you getting into any messes," he opens his eyes again, looking at Vio worriedly. Even though the boy was the smallest and youngest, he still acted as their worried lil mom.

"B-bye!" Red calls out, watching his two older brothers leave his sight. Oh he hoped Vio would be okay, Blue and Green together can be rowdy alone, but with Shadow? It's going to be a riot!


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