The Forbidden Door

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                                             Ever since I was a child we were not allowed into "The Forbidden Door" no one was allowed in it. My sister always told me that their were ghosts in it and monsters that eat little children. That terrified me so, much that I didn't even want to go near the door. Until I was 12. The curiosity got the best of me and I decided to take a peek. I slowly creeped towards the door and opened it. I was instantly horrifiyed at what I saw. Dead body's scattered along the floor. Their necks were slit open. I walk closer to the dead body's. One of the body's was pointing towards a message written in blood. I walked closer to it so, it was visable to my eyes. It read You Shouldn't Of Come Here,Now You Are Next. Chill's swept through my body. I'm Gonna Die. I felt something drag me onto the floor and I blacked out. All I hear was a faint noise I Warned You,Now It's Your Turn To Die.

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