The Pharaoh in shining armour

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I opened my eyes, and the pain in my arm came back. Who, or what saved me?

"Are you okay?" A soft and comforting voice spoke. My eyesight cleared and I saw an Egyptian Prince holding me up, practically hugging me, he looked about 24, 25 years old. I felt my cheeks getting warm. What was wrong with me?

"U-um, y-yes... I suppose so. Ahkmenrah... Pharaoh, or Pharaoh's son? Sorry, I'm not that good in the history department." I sighed, I was just going to accept the fact that everything did come to life in this museum. 

"You are correct, my fair lady." He smiled, and I felt like my stomach was free-falling. 

"Ahky, do you have to always swoon the ladies every time you meet one?" I heard a western voice say. 

"Shut up, Jedediah." I heard a voice with a bit of a royal accent like Ahkmenrah's. 

Two small, and I mean small, people hopped out of Ahkmenrah's crown. 

"Jedediah." The Western cowboy guy said.

"Octavius." A roman warrior said.

"What do you mean swoon the ladies? I'm merely worried. Though she is quite a beauty." Ahkmenrah looked at me with his warm smile. I swear I saw a tint of pink on his cheeks. "I'm sorry, Larry can be so very clueless sometimes." He sighed.

He picked me up and started walking out of the room. 

"AH! Oh, u-um, Ahk... can I c-call you that... er, your Highness?" I stuttered. 

"Sure, and no need to be formal." 

"Er, okay, Ahk, where are we going?" 

"To give Larry a piece of my mind."

"Uh... I think we forgot Octavius and Jed back there..." 


We got Octavius and Jed, and hurried back to the front doors. Ahk bandaged my arm, which was difficult because he had to hold his scepter and golden tablet. I noticed a slightly crumbling corner. I didn't have time to point that out, because Larry came in. I was about to push myself off the desk and go chew him out, but was stopped by the immediate pain in my arm. 

Ahk noticed, and helped me down. 

We walked over to Larry, and I started yelling at him for not at least telling me or walking me through the first night. He zoned out halfway through my yelling. Ahk put a hand on my shoulder.

"LARRY, THAT IS NO WAY TO TREAT A MAIDEN! HOW DARE YOU. SHE COULD'VE GOTTEN HERSELF KILLED. FOR FATHER'S SAKES, SHE'S ONLY 19!" Ahk yelled, his voice booming, and terrifying. Larry finally was paying attention. He looked like he had just seen a ghost. 

"S-sorry, It's just that... Cecil taught me this way... so, I wasn't sure how to help you..." He stammered, clearly scared of Ahk now. 

Larry took Jed and Octavius to another room to discuss something. 

"So... nice tablet." I tried to make small talk.

"Thanks, it's what bring all the museum entries to life."



Okay, well that failed. I was about to try to say something else, when Ahk suddenly sort of swayed backwards and nearly fell. I held him up with my right arm. 

"Are you okay?" I searched his face for any kind of weird symptom of... anything. He seemed to snap out of his daze.

"O-oh, I'm fine. Thanks."

Beyond Reality - night at the museum - Ahkmenrah x OCWhere stories live. Discover now