Chapter 2

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Brooke Pov

"Guys I don't know what to do! Should I call the police?" I heard Rocky whisper shout. I looked around and saw him standing in the hallway with my parents door open. I wonder why?After putting some new cloths on I walked over to Rocky.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?" I asked confused. "Guys I'll call you back" Rocky said into the phone, before hanging it up. "Baby sit down" He said softly, sliding down the wall, me following his action.

"Your parents, they never left the house" Rocky said making me even more confused. "What?" I questioned. "Did your parents do drugs?" He asked and I tensed up.  "Precious did they?" He asked cupping my face with his hands.

I nodded and let a tear fall from my eye. "Brooke, your parents, they're dead" Rocky's voice trembled. "What?" I asked letting all of my tears fall.

"I believe they had a drug over dose, they're in their room" He whispered letting me go. I got up and walked slowly over to my parents room. "Oh my gosh" I said and fell to my knees. I saw my mother and fathers bodies lying in the floor.

"C'mon princess, I'm going to call the police" Rocky said putting a hand on my shoulder. I turned around slowly and made eye contact with him. "Can I have a hug?" I whispered, and his face softened. He nodded and bent down to pick me up. He placed me around his waist, his hands supporting me under my thighs.

I sobbed into his shoulder as he swayed back and forth. "It'll be ok" He said taking his phone out of his pocket. He dialed 911 and started explaining our situation to the police operator. "The police are on their way" He said softly kissing my forehead. "If they ask, you're my cousin" He said and I nodded. "Wait who will I live with?" I asked scarred. "I don't know baby" He sighed and I cried harder.

"Can we talk for a few minutes, before the police come?" I asked and he nodded. He took me to my bed and sat on it, with me in his lap.

"My parents, they weren't good people, they used to hit me a lot" I said avoiding eye contact. "They used to try and make me take drugs and when I refused, I got beat" I whimpered, hugging Rocky tighter, as I felt him get tense.

"I have scars on my wrist, they aren't from self harm, they're from my dad" I said, finally looking at Rocky's eyes. I let out some more tears while Rocky kept a tight grip onto me.

We heard a knock at the door so I got off of him and walked down stairs,  holding his hand. I opened up the door and saw two cops, a male and female. "Are you Brooke?" The female asked and I nodded. "Ok we are going to have to interrogate both of you, are you alright with that?" She asked kindly and we both nodded.

I got the girl and Rocky got the boy. I explained everything, the abuse, the drugs, living without them for a month, how Rocky is my 'cousin' and my only family. "Ok sweetheart we have all the information we need, we will need you to move in with Mr. Rocky Lynch, he is now your legal guardian" The cops explained, as I smiled sadly.

"Ok thank you, have a wonderful day" I said shutting my front door as the cops left. "Rocky, I'm so sorry" I asked looking over at him. "Why?" He asked walking closer to me. "Now you have to live with me, that's not right for me to do to you" I gulped. I genuinely felt bad.

"Babe, it was my idea, and the band is absolutely fine with it" He said soothing me. "Lets go get you packed up" He whispered and kissed my temple. "Ok" I smiled slightly and followed him up towards my room. 

We packed all my belongings, which wasn't a lot, into a small duffle bag and took it out to the car. "Are you sure your ok with living with a 13 year old girl?" I asked once more. We were now driving towards his house. "You're not just a 13 year old girl, your my princess, also my girlfriend" He smiled and placed his hand on my thigh. I blushed slightly and rested my hand on his own.

Once we reached the band house's front door I became extremely nervous. What if they don't like me? I guess Rocky noticed my nervousness because he kept smiling at me, which gave me reassurance.

"Guys we're home!" Rocky shouted with his arm around my shoulder.
Everyone ran down stairs and once they saw me they're jaws dropped. Oh great five seconds into them seeing me, and they already think I'm fat and ugly.

I awkwardly looked at the floor, and I guess Rydel noticed my uneasiness because she started speaking. "Hey, I'm Rydel" She said softly pulling me into a big hug. Once I let go of her, everyone else introduced themselves and gave me a hug. "I'll show you your room" Rocky said and led me through a hallway to a huge bedroom.

"Hey, remember we can't tell my siblings about this" Rocky said, doing a hand motion between us, I answered with a nod. He smiled at me and kissing my forehead. "They'll love you, I promise" He said. "Do you want Rydel?" He asked and I nodded.

"Hey!" Rydel exclaimed walking into my room. "Hi" I said quietly. "Rocky, didn't tell me how pretty you are, you're absolutely gorgeous" She complemented making me blush.

"Thank you Rydel, you are so much more beautiful than me though" I complimented and she thanked me with a smile. "So if you don't mind me asking, how old are you?" She asked tilting her head slightly. "I'm 13" I answered looking at the floor. Great now she'll think I'm a whore.

"Really? You seem so mature" She said looking shocked. "So, I heard my brother, Rocky likes you" She smirked and I blushed. "Really?" I asked playing along. "Yep, and I was wondering if you liked him as well?" She asked and I blushed, nodding a bit. "Aww you too would be so cute, plus age is just a number right?" She asked and started helping me put all my stuff in some drawers.

"Hey wanna go in the pool?" She asked, seeing one of my bikinis. "Yea!" I exclaimed and she left so I could get changed. I put on my two piece bathing suit and put on some flip flops. I made my way out of my room and saw only the boys around the couch, in the living room.

I walked over to Rocky, and he pulled me into his lap. "Do you know where Rydel is?" I asked quietly and he shook his head no. I saw all the boys looking at me so I just looked down at the floor and waited for Rydel to save me from all the stares.

"You're looking beautiful" Rocky whispered in my ear making me blush. "They all told me that too" He said and I blushed some more. "Really?" I asked and he nodded, looking at me with amusement. He acted like I was the most fascinating thing in the world, I loved it.

He gently pushed me off his lap, to only pull me to his room. He pushed me into his bed and locked the door. "Rocky I'm to young to lose my virginity" I whined and he chuckled. "I know" He said and pulled down his pants and boxers so he was butt naked. "Ahhh My eyes!" I yelled, but I couldn't stop staring.

He then got a pair of swim trunks on him, and took off his shirt. "Give me some kind of warning next time" I said jokingly, and placed a hand on my heart as if I was out of breath. He rolled his eyes at me and pulled me outside to the pool, only to see everyone out their in the swimming costumes, including Rydel.

"Lets go princess" Rocky said so only I could hear. He pulled me over to the pool, and we jumped in hand in hand.

My Boyfriend Is My Guardian? Rocky Lynch Fan fiction Where stories live. Discover now