Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Tory's POV

A new life in a new town. It's a chance for a new start. Everyone knew me back home, but here I'll be a stranger. I'll be given a second chance; I can become anyone and do anything.

The planes engines started as I leaned back in my seat next to Claire's. After we landed in White Rock, Claire was going to take me shopping. We are going to buy a whole new wardrobe for me, to replace the one that I had to leave behind.

The engines whirred and the plane took off. I laid back in my seat and let the movement of the plane lull me into sleep.

"Tory, wake up. We're in White Rock already."

I woke up to the sound of Claire's voice and a sleight weight on my shoulder from where her hand was resting. I gave a moan and turned away from Claire.

"Come on Tory, we need to grab your bags and get to the mall because we're expected to be at your uncle's house by seven."

We headed out of the airport doors with my bags. Outside the airport there was a man dressed up in a suit waiting at the curb. He was holding a sign in front of him with my name on it. I was wary of him because of this but Claire remained unfazed.

"Come on, this way," Claire said as she led me towards the chauffeur.

"I'm coming," I sighed as I followed behind her.

The chauffeur ushered us into the limo.

"Ms. Linden, I'm your uncle's chauffeur, Henry, and I'll be driving you around today. The refrigerator is stocked with pop, feel free to help yourself. And if you have any questions at all, I can be reached by pressing the tiny red button there," he said as he pointed towards the button by the window separating his part of the vehicle from ours.

"Great," I said. "Thank-you."

"You're very welcome Ms. Linden," he replied.

He walked around the limo and got into the drivers' seat before starting the vehicle. "Where to?" he inquired.

Claire answered him because I didn't know where we were going. "To the mall please, Henry." She paused for a minute in deep thought before finally  

asking "Were you able to get the credit cards that we talked about earlier?"

"Yes, they're in the back on top of the fridge. Her school registration papers and class schedule should also be there."

The vehicle continued to move as I looked at my class schedule. I'm going to be attending Foster Jones High School, it's the most elite school in White Rock, and so I'm kind of surprised that I got in. What I had been hearing was that you had to be loaded before you could get into a kind of school like Foster Jones.

Claire noticed the stunned look on my face and said, "Your uncle has a lot of money, he's very rich, and so, he can easily afford to send you to Foster Jones High School."

I looked back down at my class schedule to see what classes I would be taking this semester. A block I have English Honours, then I have Principles Math and lunch. After lunch I have French, then D block I have art. Right after art I have gym.

Overall, my classes aren't going to be too bad. I'm actually looking forward to having all of my afternoon classes. The only subject I'm not too thrilled about having is math, and honestly that can't be helped. I had been taking it before, but my grades weren't the best, and when you need math to get anywhere in life; that can be a real pain.

I looked at the rest of the papers in my hand before sighing. Foster Jones High had two floors and I was so not looking forward to having to find my way around the school come Monday. I also was not too excited to learn that I had to check in at the office to let all the staff know that I had finally arrived. But the part that really enraged me was when I read that they would be assigning me to a different student each day for a week.

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