“The sauce is mysteriously bitter and sour!”

            “This is a massacre of flavour!”

            “Let me know if you want seconds!” Riko said cheerfully. When no one replied, she looked down dejectedly. “It wasn’t very good, was it?” She hid her hands behind her back, but not before I caught a glimpse of her bandaged fingers. I instantly felt terrible so being the (wo)man that I was, I began to shovel the food into my mouth. Hyuga also began to lift his spoon up, eating the terrible concoction.

            Riko watched in awe as Hyuga and I continued to eat. I finished before he did and stood up.

            “Thanks for the meal, Riko-chan!” I beamed a smile at her, giving her my signature thumbs-up. “The flavour was really interesting!” I chuckled, getting up to leave. Hyuga copied me, “Thanks for the food. It tasted good, but it was a little spicy. I’m going to get something to drink.” Hyuga opened the door for me and we both walked out. The moment the door slid close, Hyuga collapsed onto the cold floor, crying.

            “It was so terrible! I feel sick!” He whispered, tears flowing down his cheeks. I grimaced, feeling a bit nauseated myself. I dragged Hyuga down the hallway, pausing every so often to catch a breath.


[3rd POV in the kitchen]

            What men! You guys are such men! Even Masami-chan ate it all and she’s a girl! Everyone remaining in the kitchen began to admire Hyuga, Kiyoshi and Masami for finishing Riko’s food like brave people.

            Seconds later, Izuki stepped out the door. “Hyuga? Masami? EH?!” He found Hyuga face-down on the floor with Masami looking quite green next to their fallen captain.

            “I feel sick, Izuki!” Masami wailed.

            Back inside the kitchen, the remaining people who were alive began to debate who would teach Riko how to cook. Soon enough, Kagami got up, grabbing a pan, and began to make his own stir-fry. It was time for Kagami to show Riko what he was made of…good food.


            “I smell the beach!”

            “We must reach it quicky!”

            “Izuki, shut up…”

            “Let’s swim!”


            “This is training camp, dumbasses!”

            Riko and I shared a glance, chuckling softly. A black car pulled up behind us, causing us all to turn around. The window slowly rolled down, revealing Riko’s dad.

            “Brats,” he lowered his sunglasses. “Lay a hand on my daughter, and I’ll kill you.”

            “Y-yes, sir!” The boys saluted, clearly terrified of Riko’s father. I laughed, waving at Aida-san. “Thanks, Aida-san!”

            “Ne, what are those?” Izuki asked, pointing at something behind us.

            We turned around to find a basketball court…on the sand. Riko chuckled evilly, stroking her chin.

            “Huh? Oh those? Fufufu, my dad brought those here for me.” I grinned, pulling my basketball out of my duffel bag.

            “Let’s play aready!” Hyuga punched down on my head.

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