s e v e n t e e n

Start from the beginning

"Can you guys re-enact it so I can see just how funny it was?" Evan says. "Oh shut up you perv," I say and hit his arm. "Okay, can you at least use more descriptive details?" He asks. "About what?" Bree asks. "Like, 'I pulled her pants down her smooth, tan legs and a red lace material was revealed covering over her-'" "SHUT UP!" I yell and hit Evan in the arm harder and he lets out a laugh and so does everyone else. "Can you at least tell me what colour it was?" He asks. "Oh my god, stop talking to me," I say and get up from my seat. I grab my plate and take it over to the sink. "C'mon Elena, you're being no fun," Evan says and walks over to me with his plate to put into the sink. "How the hell do you expect me to remember what colour they were?" I ask. "Because, if it was a good pair, you'd be thankful it was those instead of ugly ones. But, if they were ugly ones, then you'd remember because of how embarrassing it was," he says and honestly... he was right. But, I'm still not telling him. "Whatever," I say. "At least give me the first letter of the colour," he says. "Colour of what?" Ethan asks walking into the kitchen and setting his water bottle on the sink. "The colour of Elena's panties that she wore when Bree pantsed her in the ninth grade in front of her boyfriend," Evan says causally. "For the last time Evan, SHUT UP!" I say. "Okay..." Ethan says before leaving. "Since when were you such a perv?" I ask Evan. "Since always, we just finally got close enough for you to see it," he says and I roll my eyes.

I walk out of the kitchen to look for Ethan to talk to him, but he wasn't anywhere to be seen. I went upstairs and I could hear the shower running from his room when I passed by. I let out a groan and head back downstairs and into the kitchen. I helped clean the kitchen table once everyone was done before going into the living room to watch T.V like we always fucking do.

After about an hour, Ethan still hadn't come down. He's avoiding me, I know it. I decide to go up and talk to him just so we can clear the air and not make things between us awkward. I walk up and gently knock on his door.

"Come in," he yells and I walk in. I see him shirtless, lying flat on his back with his legs dangling off the edge of the bed and on his phone.

"Hey," I say softly and he turns his head to look over at me. "Hi," he mumbles and looks back up at his phone. I shut the door behind me and walk over to him. "I noticed you were out for dinner... I made Alfredo shrimp pasta if you want some," I say. "Okay." UGH. "Can we talk?" I ask starting to get aggravated. "About?" He asks. "Last night," I say. "What about it?" "And can you stop being so damn dry?" I say and he sits up shutting his phone. "What's there to talk about?" He asks. "Oh, stop avoiding it. I just want to talk about what happened so we can clear the air." "Alright, why'd you kiss me?" He asks standing up and he almost sounded mad. Asshole. "Wait, why are you mad? You kissed me back!" "But, why did you kiss me?" "I don't know..." I say. "You're lying, tell me why you kissed me. Tell me why you had to fucking kiss me," His voice gets deeper and he walks closer to me. He's making me feel so embarrassed and bad about myself. "Because..." I say before trailing off. "WHY, ELENA?" He says yelling. "THAT KISS MEANT NOTHING TO ME, OKAY? I WAS VULNERABLE AND WANTED SOMEONE. I WASN'T THINKING. IT MEANT ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO ME," I say yelling back at him trying to hold in my tears and he goes quiet.

"Is that what you wanted to hear?" I ask after a few seconds before walking out of the room and into mine. I slam the door shut before locking it and crawl up onto my bed with tears streaming down my face. The one person that was there for me when I really needed someone is mad at me and just fucking yelled at me and now I can't help but cry and feel alone.

Minutes past of me quietly sobbing into my pillow and I was now just sniffling and laying in bed cuddling with a pillow as I rested my head on it. I then hear a light knock on my door followed by a soft voice.

"Elena," I hear Ethan call and I stay silent. "Elena, I'm sorry," he says a few seconds later. "Please open up," he adds and I continue to stay silent. "Elena, please," he says. "Go away," I respond. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell and be an ass," he says. Well, at least he realized he did wrong and is apologizing for it... "Please open up," he says. "No," I say. "Elena, I said I'm sorry." "I just need to be alone right now," I say. "Okay." I let out a deep breath and wipe away the tears from my eyes.

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