"Wait, then how did he mark your skin?"

"Well, I ended up just canceling the date- which I feel terrible about- and ended up just going to bed. That's when you came home. Then around three this morning, I got a call from Niall..." Gemma's dull eyes pierced my own as she stared directly at them from across the small space. "And I'm not sure, but I think he was high. He was with a few friends and he was just saying all this stuff to me over the phone. I could tell that he was out of it, so I had him give me the adress to where he was staying. So that's really where I was this morning.." I bit my lip, looking to the tile of the kitchen floor, finding them more interesting right now.

I never lie, and even though it wasn't a big one, a huge amount of guilt had still taken over and flooded through each of my veins, tingling the nerves.

"But, I thought you were out getting coffee?" her voice was generally questioning, no judgment present.

"Nope.", I popped the 'p', still not looking up. I sighed, running a hand through my damp hair, straightening it out. "He ended up talking me into staying there for a while, and I just kinda did. We didn't really do much talking -well because he was not really, fully there- if ya know what I mean." Gemma nodded slowly, taking everything in.

"And then, I don't know, one thing lead to another and we ended up in his room, and I was left with little marks." I felt my cheeks flush from embarrassment.

"So did you guys, like have sex?"

"What?" I was taken back by her question but even more so by the butterflies that twisted my stomach at those words. "No. Oh gosh, no." I couldn't help dirty thoughts that now filled my brain, thinking of Niall above me. Oh my gosh, I need to stop..

"oh, okay. Good.", she smiled and twirled a strand of hair between her fingers.

I whined, tossing my head back against the cupboard door. "But it's not good. I'm so confused! My emotions are like completely messing me up. I'm acting like a-, like a whore!" I can't believe I am telling her all of this.

"Okay.. well first of all, have you even kissed Luke?" I shook my head. "Okay, then you're not a whore, you're just confused. Second of all, lets try something." I nodded and watched as she stood up and walked towards our beds. She pulled out a sheet of paper, placing it on the desk. "okay, come here."

I slowly stood up, stretching my legs out. A second later, I was walking over to her, taking a seat on the mattress.

"We'll start with Luke. Write down everything you like about him on the left and everything you don't on the right."

I took the pencil from her, trying to think of what to write. Okay, what do I like about him? My hands began to move before my mind could catch up.


good looking

has a great smile

makes me feel good about myself

Doesn't boast about himself

Sticks up for me

Give me butterflies

While jotting these down, I began realizing how much that I don't really know about his personality.

On the right, I began on things I dislike, which weren't that many.

Can be aggressive (but doesn't mean it)

Yells (but he had a reason to)

"Okay.", I said while handing the paper to Gem. She smiled and read over it quick, then asked me to do the same with Niall.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant