what is love

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Well if you don't know what love is love is the meaning of the word of someone that you care someone that you feel about yourself Love Is In The Air Love Is In Your Heart that you care about it even if you don't know what love is deepest and darkness Love Is in the Air the sometimes love can also be hate that you don't know what it is sometimes you find the love that you see and that you care about it and there is always small or big but the love care around you even if Birds but if you want to know what love is Love Is In The Air of everyone you cannot control it you cannot see it but you can feel it how you feel it even if you are the smallest person I love that in you that you don't know that's love can be always there for you in way of  happiness but you can not always know when the love is there but if you care about someone that you do love tell how you feel and then listen to the words what what really means something that you do in the love but can you eat no you feel blood in speed around and be happy that care even you don't someone else say there way how for someone that feel and can feel don't tell him or her what to do just give time see in you that don't know but give in tell how feel even like friendship but love more that something that feel and how do right thing to do even there people don't understand you love  continue til end of days and see new life but you can someone stop but there are people do it but the is something that you feel and care about you lot even get how feel but time is right but can see right or not you don't know so love strong that you care about lot but love always that you love someone that big feel about but time over time you can feel but true love in you that is what you have care about how do even if you don't know but I think that you have feel and see it but time come and see someone feel it but I feel it but deep in you can feel same with you and you don't know but name of someone else but you have to accept what you have to ask after but sometime you have to choose what you want not only her or same way but you have to see.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 17, 2017 ⏰

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