"So why are you here, in this courtroom, joining this trial?" Early asked.

"Because I was appalled when it was explained to us what had happened. I did not consent for my image to be captured. This... woman" she said the word distastefully "I believe has torn away a part of my soul by recording my person and actions."

Kipp's lawyer got up. "You realize that it's an old wives tale, that taking a picture of someone doesn't actually capture your soul? It's not part of you in the image, just a picture." He spoke slowly, as if Eir was stupid.

"I know nothing of the sort," she said crisply. "I know what you believe. But isn't this court about what is fact? Prove it."

We all craned around to look at the lawyer, who was sputtering incoherently, but he pulled himself together. "Your honor!" he protested. "It's been long established that there's no evidence that anybody's soul is in a photograph!"

Early stood. "Actually, your honor, I don't think that it's been proven. It's been labeled as superstition, but I don't know that it's been proven. It wouldn't have to be a big piece of soul, in fact it would probably be pretty tiny. But you can see where somebody would object to part of their soul being ripped away. This plaintiff believes that she has been materially harmed by the defendant and there isn't any actual evidence to say she's wrong."

The lawyers spatted back and forth for a bit until the judge put a stop to it and had Eir step down. Thor was called to the stand. His testimony was brief and quite pointed, saying that his faith that humans would adhere to the rule of law as outlined in the treaty he'd signed was in serious doubt and that he was closing the embassy until the situation was made right. That made the judge frown; the first delivery of rare and novel raw materials from Alfheimr was set for the next week, and it wouldn't happen if the Bifrost was closed. The other lawyer suggested that Thor was overreacting. Thor's freezing glare was almost physical, something he had to have learned from Loki, but all he said was that he would not ally himself with people without honor. "What do you want the court to do?" Andrews said. "We can't make people unsee the documentary."

"I want the full breadth and weight of human law to be applied to these people." He gestured to the defense table. "I want every available punishment to be applied to their limits. I think the term is "throw the book at them.""

Thor then stepped down and a recess for lunch was called.

Damian had made reservations for us, the other valkyries, Eira, Thor, Steve, Emma, Tony, and Bucky in a private room at a nearby restaurant, which is where we adjourned. "I thought you were still testing in the Pacific, Sparky," I said to Tony. "Not that I'm not glad to see you."

"Ann is busy with the algae, although the bacteria is showing more promise in the warmer water," he said. "I was literally sitting on the beach, of no use. I've got ideas for bots to disperse our organisms later in our trials. So I came back, with Ann's support. I think she was glad to get me out of her hair, actually. Good job, Tiger. Take the offensive, don't roll over and show your belly."

Bucky didn't say anything, but he gave me one of his special hugs before we were seated. Damian waited until we had ordered and were left alone before saying, "I thought you were going to leap to your feet, snap out your wings, and give that lawyer hell for implying that you were a vapid killer."

I sipped my water primly. "The wings are molting, you know that. It wouldn't be impressive. You know I'm vain about them." The table burst out laughing, relaxing the tension. After the excellent lunch, we went back to the courthouse, Emma falling into step beside me.

"I always appreciate it when somebody makes sure that the record is straight where Bucky is concerned," she said quietly. "It bothers me that people are still trying to label him as a killer, full stop. After all this time and all the good he's done." I nodded, in total agreement.  "Sigurd and Torburn are going to be thrilled by the recognition of them as intelligent people," she said in a normal tone as Staeina joined us.

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