Giant's Step

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I follow behind Ness as he barrels towards the library. He makes a sharp left turn at a fork in the road down a worn dirt path. We pass a mole and I spy the treehouse I met Ness in. With a smile, I run faster and begin running beside him.

"So, where are we going?" I ask Ness, huffing.

"Through... here!" He says, stopping in front of a run-down building. He pulls a keychain out of his pocket and begins going through differently shaped keys. He mutters the names of each key and stops on a silver key.

"A-ha! Travelling entertainer's shack!" He says, unlocking the door and entering the house. It's run down on the outside and there is a large hole in the back wall. Leaves, branches and various bugs use this entrance regularly. Ness passes through the small building without a second glance and strolls wordlessly into a cave. I walk close behind and hum a tune. He catches on to the tune and hums with me.

We stop at a rope and he glances at me before taking a hold of it and climbing. I follow after him effortlessly. Living in Tazmily is good practice for climbing different terrain. From large staples to stone ladders, I've climbed almost everything there is to climb in Tazmily. We climb over the edge and walk for a little bit longer before coming to another rope. We climb up it and walk through an exit.

We emerge to greet the warm sun, followed by a soft breeze. Ness smiles at me and walks to a group of holes in the ground.

"This brings back memories." Ness says, holding out his arms and looking towards Onett. I walk next to him and look at the holes in the ground. It's a large footprint. I stare in awe at the footprint.

"This place is called Giant's Step. It's one of my sanctuaries. I come here when I feel sad, sometimes. But I don't feel sad very much. Touch the foot." Ness says.

"Uh, okay..." I say. I don't want to pry. I oblige, touching the edge of the footprint. I feel a wave of energy flush through me. I feel braver. Stronger, too.

"What was that?" I ask Ness. He shrugs. A tune rings softly throughout the area. Ness smiles.

"Dunno. It's pretty awesome, though. Don't you think?" Ness says, sitting and dangling his legs off of the mountain.

"Yeah," I say, holding my hand. It's tingling. "It's awesome."


I grab Ness by his waist and pull us close, him moving his head so it softly comes into contact with my chest. He looks up at me as I look down at him. He cups my cheeks and pulls me into a kiss that lasts forever. I still want it to be longer.

"Ness? I love you." I tell him shakily.

"L-Lucas... I-"


"Wake up, Lucas! We're going on a trip to Fourside!" My dad's voice, accompanied by a shake jolts me back into reality. It was a dream. I sit up and rub my eyes, some eye gunk coming out. Ew. I flick them away and stand up, stretching.

"Can I bring Ness along?" I ask with a yawn.

"Sure," Dad says. He smiles. "It's nice to see you making friends again." His tone lowers.

"It's nice to make friends. I'll run to his house quickly and ask him." I respond, throwing a shirt on. After sloppily pulling a pair of pants on, I make my way to the door.

"Bye!" I call into the apartment before closing the door. I jog down the hallway and press the button for the elevator. It dings and I wait for a moment. The doors open and I step inside, pressing another button. The doors open on the ground floor and I begin running to Ness's house.

Upon arrival, I pound my fist on his door. His mother answers not soon after and we exchange a quick conversation. Afterwards, I head upstairs and into Ness's room to deliver the invitation.

"Ness, my dad and I are going to Fourside. You want to come?"

"Heck yeah!" He answers, completely unfazed by my surprise entrance. I smile and tell him to meet me at my house. Before I leave, however, I give Ness a quick peck on the cheek (much to his astonishment and surprise). The entire way home I wear red cheeks and the happiest smile I've had in a long time.

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