Chapter 2. What Happens

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Back in home was a different story... Nothing ever could you get off easy, ever since the girls dad left life became uncomplete the mom grew grouchy, she became heartless, and she became more abusive towards her daughter...  It went day by day, wasn't ever a night to recall where there was silence or any peace. It was infact not a secret everyone knew about what goes around in the Alo house. Only why the reason no one ever had mentioned anything was because it was the only house on the block that had abusive violence going on.

 Hatred was filled in the air of the poor slums of Italy, Especially the Alo house resident of 2 used to be three until the girl's sister had died of a tragic accident. You could say she got lucky. One thing was for certain losing her was one of the worst effects on the girl but more on the mom. She was the perfect child in her mom's eyes, when they were at the funeral the mom mumbled to her daughter wishing it was her instead of the girls sister. It didn't hurt the girl in any way she was already used to her mom's cruelty words, vicious threats, but she never in a way got over the pain of fights they've had together. It would start every morning when her mom would wake her up she would throw the covers away from the girl, then would literally drag her out by one of her arms, and would yell at her to get ready or she'll get her ready herself. The girl had already experienced that once and it didn't end so well neither was the experience any greater. So now the girl would always be in a rush to get ready out of fear. Eating wasn't easy either, sometimes her mom would not allow any food for the girl because of cost... They were always running out of food supplies, whenever mom noticed she would yell at the girl blaming it all on her. And if the girl ever didn't look at her mom talking she would get slapped at. Her mom was cruel only out of pain, ashmed, abandoned, and her parents doing the same to her. And the only way she got rid of her anger was to take it on her daughter. for 13 years the girl has taken the pain without any say. The girl has been kicked, scratched, bruised, painfully burned, even one time her mom was drunk the daughter was only six. She walked into the house it was dark, when she stepped into the livingroom she found her mom had finished a six pack of beer, in her other hand was a needle sringe. She look up at her daughter and had this crazy look on her face, then she walked up to the girl, the frightened but curious girl, she then grabbed the girl's arm and said lets just end all this now! The girl screamed and before her mom could inject the poisonous needle into the girls arm she breaks free her arm and runs out away from the horrorid event. There were many many other horrific events that happen that seemed downright unreal to do so. There were times when getting slapped probably was meant for. Her sarcasm in fact was always half of the time the reason she would get smacked at. Or her back talk, her sassy attitude, the language she used, and the the things she would do with the gang...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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