Chapter 6: First Date with Nathan..... **RATED R!!!!!!!!*

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"mmmmm angry and sexy" i gagged and stood up and kicked the guy where the sun dont shine and sat down "try having sex know dick. oh wait you dont have a dick! and i have a real man who by the way is better than you EVER will be and always will be. this is why you pick up girls huh? hoping to get a girl in bed but it never works out because they can find a guy way better than you? yeah exactly. leave us the fuck alone before i cut off your dick!"

he ran away terrified and i sat down fumming. Nolan stared at me in shock "damn baby!" i giggled and he kissed me to help get rid of the anger that was becoming uncontrollable and would be too late to deal with once my power is too the full extreme.

i kissed back and pulled away once i felt my power fade. "thanks Nol" he nodded and handed me the menu which i grabbed and looked at the menu.

"hi sorry bout him. he trys that with every girl. he only gets 2 and they are MAJOR sluts!" a pretty girl came up to our table and told us that. i nodded "can tell."

"bout time someone kicked him there! i kicked him the first day i met him. anyways my name is Natalie and i will be your waitress today! what can i get you guys?"

i smiled at Natalie she seems cool....

"2 red wines please" Nolan said and she wrote it down and asked, "you ready to order or need more time?"

he looked at me and i nodded telling him i was ready. he knew what i would want "2 rare steaks and a side of fries for me and for her a salad." i smiled at Nolan. she wrote down the order "i will be back in a couple minutes with your drinks!"

she scurried off and i looked at Nolan "your amazing." he smiled "thanks babe. nice job with the creep." i laughed "he had it coming. he sooo messed with the wrong chick." he smiled and pecked my cheek and placed his hand on my thigh. i looked at him confused and he just winked. alright then......

"you dont know how bad i want you babygirl" he whispered in my ear and i smiled and placed my hand on his thigh "trust me dove i want you too." he smiled and pecked my lips. Natalie came back and handed us the bottle and the cups and ran off again asking if we needed anything else.

i felt Nolan's hand rise and i placed my hand ontop of his "wait till the bedroom" i whispered in his ear nibbling it a bit knowing it drove him insane.

he growled low in his throat and stared at me in shock. i just winked and poured some wine and handed it to Nolan. he did the same and i took a sip of the wine. for some reason it tasted like blood to me...and i had wine tons of times before!

"you ok?" i nodded "just tastes like blood to me..." he chuckled "your probably craving it right now after the ass left."

i nodded and shrugged. i looked out the window and bout had a heart attack. i chocked on my drink and stared at the guy outside. it was...Liam.....not just him though......all of One Direction....

"what?" Nolan looked at my face and saw my horrified face and looked outside and saw One Direction. he growled and pulled me closer to him-if that was even possible.

Liam smirked and they were off before i could blink.

"the fuck was that?!" Nolan looked like he was gonna explode "i read Liam's mind......" i looked at him "and?"

"he wanted you........and not for a feeding bag....." i gagged "oh my god...what is with creeps wanting me?!" he chuckled lowly "i dont know angel.....maybe cuz you look sexy in that dress or in anything you wear for that matter?" i rolled eyes at him. our dinner came and we ate. the taste of blood filled my mouth and the sudden urge to go out hunting left my mind. the steak was gone and i ate my salad with the taste of blood still in my mouth for some reason.

after we ate and paid the bill we walked home holding hands. Nolan kept a pretty good grip on my hand throughout the entire walk. we got into the vampire building and i felt safer.

we got up to our new flat building and before i could even take my shoes off i was pushed into a wall close to the now closed door and lips attached to mine. i kissed back and felt Nolan smile through the kiss and i smiled also. his lips left mine after kissing me for about a minute or 2 and his lips went down to my neck leaving butterfly kisses and love kisses down my neck sucking, trying to find my weak spot. and no he didn't have his fangs out, he's learned to control them with everything going on with Libby and me always going out and Nolan and Nick having to learn to control their fangs when they smell the stench of blood-course we do too but we've gotten used to it. 

before i knew it i was laying on the bed my dress off leaving me in nothing but my undergarments. Nolan had his shirt and leather jeans off leaving him in boxers which were quite tight because of the hard on that was forming as the make out continued. 

i flipped us over and leaved butterfly kisses down his neck finding his sweet spot almost immeditly. his breath went ragged and i smiled knowing i could leave him breathless. before i knew it Nolan and i was naked and he was positioning himself at my enterence. 

he looked into my blue eyes and i smiled up at him love clear in his eyes that change colors, and right now they were blue. 

"i love you Cass...sooo much..." i smiled "i love you too Nol more than anything in the world." he grinned and kissed me softly and left me breathless. he entered me and pain flew through my entire body but it was nothing like getting turned into a vampire. 

Nolan kept looking into my eyes taking his time with putting himself fully inside of me. when he was he left himself in me until the pain subsided and after a minute or 2 the pain did subside and i nod letting him now its ok to continue. he went slwo but soon went fast.

moans and groans filled the whole room and im pretty sure the entire building knew our names after we were done making love. 

he pulled out and layed down next to me pulling my sweaty body close to his and held me tightly like he was afraid what just happened was a dream. and it seriously did feel like it!

"i love you sooo much baby." he muttered tired clearly seen on his face.

"i love you too Boo" i pecked his cheek and layed my head on his chesled bare chest hearing his heart beat settle after what just happened. he interwined our hands together and sleep took over my body before i could stop it from happening. 

that night i fell asleep with my beautiful handsome angel who i knew i would forever love. Nolan Chase. i dont know what i would do without him.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~there's chapter 6!!!!!!!!! hope you guys liked it! sorry it wasnt soo...Dirty? i tried to keep it PG-13 so that i didnt have to worry bout it changing to R-rated (: outfit for Cassandra is in external link! pic is One Direction as Vampires and video is Shadow by Austin Mahone! i love that song and i think it fits the story quite well :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Falling In Love With a Vampire {Jamie Campbell Bower} *On Hold*حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن