Chapter 09 ♡ Toriel

Start from the beginning

The blonde chuckled. "No, I'm fine. A scratch is all."

"Are you sure about that?" Musa quipped. "Last time I checked, you were worrying about how your flawless skin could have been scratched by 'random branches' when you landed on Flora's tree."

That's when she huffed. "I'm completely fine, girls. There's nothing to worry about."

Flora opened her eyes and looked at the goat-human hybrid. As she was being healed, she observed her eyes, staring deep into them. Toriel looked back at the fairy's green ones, remembering that she was healing her. That was when Flora saw what the monster was like--a loving mother with a compassionate heart, one who would never kill. She smiled, knowing that she was in good hands. After a while, Toriel stopped as she lifted her hands off the three.

"How do you feel, now?" She asked them. Aisha almost immediately sat up, shocked that she started feeling better. "Wow, I feel much better after that attack," she replied. "Thank you."

The goat woman smiled. "You're all welcome, girls."

Helping the three back up to their feet, the Winx look up to Toriel as if she's their new guide. "You're the guardian of the Ruins," Tecna stated. "So you must know your way around here."

"I do know the way around here, for I'm familiar with this place." Toriel replied. "Come with me, and I shall lead you out."

She turned around and began walking to the other doorway leading into another room. Unlike the previous room and the one they were in, the other was lit with torches attached to the walls, fire flickering despite the absence of wind. Toriel turned again and glanced at the girls, signaling them to follow her. On instinct, they walk up behind her as she continued ahead.

The next room was painted purple, with said torches on parallel sides of the wall. Between the two staircases seen on each side were a pile of red leaves. The next doorway was decorated with a vine on each side and a stone tablet on top. The Winx were amazed with the small room. They were feeling an ancient vibe with this place.

Tecna observed the structure of the room--it's well lit, she told herself. Suppose the monsters had good sense of architectural design and decided on a purple color for the whole place. She figured that it would be nice.

Then, she remembered the previous room. It was dim, and yet there was a ray of light over the patch of grass. That bewildered her. Did they use some kind of magic? She asked herself. Where would it come from, then? Magical tenebrism?

She shook her head. The topic was leading her into more confusion, so she decided to shake it off. It was illogical to think about small things, anyway. There were more important matters to attend to, after all, especially tending to Flora, Aisha and Roxy's wounds. Their best healer was wounded--so who will heal them now?

It was a miracle Toriel came in or they would have been in a critical condition. She was thankful for her sudden appearance.

The girls decided to continue the healing session first, knowing there might be more attackers like Flowey in the Underground. Toriel agreed with the notion and let them do what they had to. They sat down, with Aisha directing them to where the healing potions were in her knapsack. The next thing they know, they're mixing a few herbs and dressing wounds.

Aside from Flora, Stella was known to heal people by light. Although her methods were not the same, it was proven that her power can encourage people to stay strong in spite of the pain the person is experiencing, giving them the hope to live again. This was a special power bestowed by the Great Dragon, and it was something that can't be compared to any other element. This was something the girls were thankful for.

"It's no problem, you guys," the sun fairy would reply. "Anything for my best friends!"

Bloom smiled at the scene. She was truly grateful to have them.

Now with all wounds in healing, Flora, Roxy and Aisha stood up, able to get walking on their own. They nodded at Toriel, who went ahead of them and entered the next room, the girls following suit. Only Bloom stopped into a halt when she saw something sparkle in the corner of her sight. Looking at it and back at the girls, she decided to check what it is first before advancing. It could be something dangerous.

The sparkle, she found out, was literally what she thought it was--a sparkle. It shone a little bright, but not to the point that it lit up the room. Curious to what it is, she placed a hand on it, feeling its warmth. She felt a little core inside, and held it.

But instead of an orb, it disappeared and reappeared into a black text box with white borders.

Bloom backed a little in surprise. What is this? She asked herself. It didn't do any harm to her at all, it was just what seemed like a screen. Not a moment later, it began to type out a sentence in a pixelated font:

 Not a moment later, it began to type out a sentence in a pixelated font:

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Out of instinct, the redhead looked up to the ceiling. The shadow cast from the unreachable corners of the room somewhat gave her an inspired determination. She smiled at the thought. How the screen predicted this, she did not know, but what she did know that this was truly something. She tapped on it again only be shown what seemed to be a SAVE screen.

 She tapped on it again only be shown what seemed to be a SAVE screen

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She did not know what to do. Bloom's mind was spiraling in confusion as to whether or not exit the screen or "save" her progress first. Then again, she had seen Tecna and Isabela do it many times in their video games--saving their progress--to be able to continue in case their characters died. In the same logic, the redhead had come to a decision to save her own progress with the Winx. She wasn't too surprised when the message "Progress saved" followed. It just proved that it was indeed what she thought it was: a SAVE point. Well, we may or may not die, she thought. Might as well use it.

Curious as to how to close it, Bloom tapped on the screen again, only to see it dematerialize. She sighed in relief. It was a simple SAVE point, nothing too special. She began to walk away to the stairs as a thought crossed her mind.

Why does it feel as if they are in a video game?

Nevertheless, she continued her way up the stairs and into the doorway. There was nothing that she could lose at this moment, the next, or in the future. She should know.

And she's determined to keep it that way.

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