Chapter 01 ♡ A New Calling

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A knock was heard at the door of the main room. All six of the fairies paused their activities, looking at the door with mixed feelings. It could be dread, confusion, or other similar things. They felt uneasy, but someone had to open the door. Another set of knocks were heard. Sighing, Bloom decided to reveal who had been knocking.

It was Miss Griselda.

"Ah, Bloom." She began, fixing her pointed glasses as she glared at her strictly. "Nobody had answered on the first knock. Is there something wrong?"

The redhead laughed, slight nervousness evident. "There is nothing to worry about, Miss Griselda," she replied. "Anyway, what brings you here, Ma'am?"

The disciplinarian looked at her clipboard, then looked back at the fire fairy. Trying to look into the room, she answers, "I'm checking on the young fairy you've taken in."

Hearing the words 'young fairy' made the youngest amongst them spring up from her position and dash into the main room. Bloom had politely let the teacher in to check on their dorm, and at that moment the girl had already arrived. She straightened her posture and gave a salute.

"Cadet Isabela, ready to report!" She exclaimed nervously, her brown eyes glistening with inspired determination.

The teacher before her shook her head. "Isabela, you are not in the headquarters of a military base," she sighed. As soon as that was said, Isabela widened her eyes in realization. "I'm sorry," she apologized. "I got so used to Captain Redfield and all the training."

"There is nothing to apologize for," Griselda remarked. "We know that you are only new to this school, but do remember to discipline yourself. You are expected to act accordingly as a student."

The raven sighed in relief. "Yes, Miss Griselda." She answered as she put her hand back down.

The disciplinarian looked down on her clipboard once more, taking glances between the clipboard and the young fairy. "It seems that your instinctive behavior hasn't changed," she stated, "but I've heard that you've improved your spell casting and succeeded in Potionology class."

Tecna decided to intervene to justify what she had just said. "Indeed she has, Miss Griselda," she confirmed. "Her attack spells are more powerful than before, and she managed to conjure a proper shield. She also managed to create a life potion without any accidents occurring."

Isabela laughed shortly after the last sentence was finished. Being a little clumsy at times, she may or may not have created chaos in the classroom...

"This is no laughing matter, Isabela." Miss Griselda's voice snapped her from her reverie. "To be blunt, you almost damaged the classroom due to your recklessness. You must be careful at all times, especially in the Potionology Classroom. Am I understood?"

Isabela nodded, hearing her crystal clear. "Yes, ma'am."

Griselda smiled in satisfaction, but that faded as quickly as it came. She then turned to the Winx, remembering the other reason why she arrived. "There's another reason why I came here," She announced, alarming the girls. They looked at her intently, listening closely to her.

There was a brief silence in the room. Though Isabela knew she was with her favorite people in the Universe, she still felt quite uncomfortable. Please just get this over with, she thought. I want to show the Winx something.

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