Just A Kiss

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Lucy couldn't take it anymore. She had stepped outside for some fresh air on the balcony; however, the fresh air would do no good if she continued to look at the scene inside- which had caused her to feel faint and flush in the first place.

She turned her face away from the celebration and looked up to the moon. It hung low in the sky and shined like newly polished silver, bleaching out the dimmer star in the night sky. She let her gaze wonder away towards the brighter stars and she tried to control her breathing. Hot tears pricked at her eyes, threatening to escape in bitter sobs. She shook her head, angry that this was upsetting her. She swallowed thickly, trying to rid her chest of the unwelcome tightness. She clenched and unclenched her hands, her knuckles white from the tension.

"Lucy?" an accented voice called out gently from behind her. She stiffed and closed her eyes. Her grip tightened further on the railing, the coolness sending pin pricks through her hand and up her arm. She bit her tongue and clamped her lips shut, refusing to answer.

"Lucy." He called with more authority than before, letting her know that he wasn't going to walk away anytime soon. But still she ignored him, afraid the turmoil in her head would burst out and she would break down. Besides, soon enough the star would notice his absence and come for him, and he, like any man, would follow her like a lost puppy.

And she would be left alone again.

But suddenly, Lucy felt a warm hand cover her own freezing one, and looked to realize that his hand was covering her own, his thumb rubbing slow and gentle circles on the back of her hand. "Lu?" he asked, his voice now pleading. She still chose to not answer, really afraid that a single word uttered would allow the tears to escape. And she really, really didn't want to cry in front of him. She pulled her hand from his, not missing the look of hurt that flashed across his eyes.

She refused to meet his gaze, even as he tried to catch her eye. She bit her lip, feeling embarrassed for acting like a child, she was far too upset to care- part of her (guiltily) wished that he was just go away. But he stood his ground stubbornly, determined to break the icy wall of silence between them. Tears pricked her eyes again and she turned to leave with a soft mutter of "Excuse me…"

But as soon as she turned to leave, a warm callused hand grasped her wrist. She was twirled around until she was facing him, his other hand going to her waist. His breath was hot on her face, causing her to blush madly in the moonlight. While he may have turned her to face him, she kept her eyes on the ground. "What is it Lucy?" he whisper, his voice tight and laced with worry.

His hand left hers and cupped her chin, the pad of his thumb stroking her chin tenderly. The sweet act sent a shiver up her spine, but left a bitter taste in her mouth. She breathed raggedly, her chest tightened with pain.

He lifted her face until she had no choice but to look at him; his eyes searching, begging her to reveal something- anything. But as soon as their eyes met, the tears she had been holding back sprang forward. Before she could stop them, or even get fresh breath- sobs bubbled to the surface and seemed to rip from her throat. He stumbled back slightly, shock evident on his face, but then rushed to embrace her.

"Please Lucy," he begged her, "What is it?"

She merely shook her head, spraying the fallen tears over the ground. The dripped silver in the moonlight. He reached out to wipe them away, but they simply fell to quickly. Still he attempted to dry her cheeks and quiet his sobs.

Eventually, her sobs stopped. She coughed- the tightness in her chest loosening. A few tears still managed to leak from her eyes, but he wiped them away quickly. She sniffled a little and looked at the ground, ashamed of crying like a silly schoolgirl.

He waited calmly until her breathing had returned to normal. Then he cautiously reached out and grasped her chin. He tilted it until she had no choice but to once again look in his eyes. With her tears gone, she simply looked a little embarrassed. "Please." Was all he whispered.

"You fancy her." She whispered, her voice hoarse from all the tears. His brows furrowed in confusion and then he seemed to realize her gaze was no longer on him, but looking slightly past her.

Without letting her go, he looked over his shoulder back at the ball behind them. Peter and Edmund could both been seen dancing with their respective ladies. But Lucy had her eyes trained on her, glowing through the ballroom like a beacon in the night. He turned away from the star and back to Lucy, but her eyes were still on the shining woman inside.

"Lucy…" He started, his voice laced with sadness. She looked away from the star, but did not look at him. He pitys me. She thought, he knows how I feel about him and doesn't feel the same. Lucy swallowed hard and looked up at the moon, now hazy in the distant sky. His hand stroked lightly down her cheek, causing her to glance over at him.

His eyes held no pity, no sympathy- but a strange warmth that was match by no other.

"If I fancied her, why would I be out her with you?" he whispered, a secret and intimate smile on his face. She merely stared at him and stumbled with her words. "I- don't- why would- I don't know." She finally murmured out.

His smile grew and he leant his face close to hers. She gasped when his lips just lightly brushed hers. "How could I fancy her when I've always been in love with you?" She looked shock and searched for an answer, but there was no need.

His lips sweetly touched hers with more intention this time. Not just a brush, but a kiss that burned sweetly on her lips causing her whole body to light with a liquid fire that warmed every part of her.

He pulled back slightly to look at her. She smiled at him- a smiled filled with all the love she could put in it. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her closer, arms securely around her waist.

And then King Caspian's lips once again captured Queen Lucy's, the moon smiling down on them.

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