Chapter Two: First Day

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The next day was the first day of school.

Lily's first day of High School.

Evan had come over that morning to 'mentally prepare' her. He had said that his High School experience was horrible and he didn't want it to be the same for her.

"My first piece of advice," he started. "Is to be yourself."

Lily rolled her eyes. "That never works out well."

"I know, I know, it's very cliché. But it's true. Are any of your friends from Middle School going to the same High School?"

Lily nodded. "Just Parker and Bradley."

Parker and Bradley had been friends with her since their first day of Elementary School. They'd been through everything together.

"Wait, isn't it Charlie's first day of Elementary School?" Lily asked, referring to Evan's youngest daughter.


"Then why aren't you with her?"

"I need to help my little sister," he said. "And I'm going back home after you leave to drop her off with Connor."

"Oh, okay."

Evan clapped his hands together. "Okay, first things first, what are you wearing?"

Lily thought for a moment before walking over to her dresser. "No pressure. Everyone's going to judge me based on what I wear."

"Be yourself!" Evan reminded her before walking out so she could change.

Lily went through her drawers, pulling out a pair of blue jeans with rips at the knees and a slightly cropped white shirt with black stripes. She threw the outfit on, looking at herself in the mirror.

It was okay...

But was it good enough?

Lily sighed. She was stressing too much.

"Evan?" She called.

"Yeah? Wait, can I come in?"


Evan opened the door and walked in.

"Is this okay?" She asked, gesturing to her outfit.

"Do you like it?"


"Well, that's all that matters," Evan smiled, ruffling Lily's hair.

"Stop!" She laughed. Evan giggled and continued, trying to mess up her hair as much as possible.

After a while, he stopped. Lily grabbed her brush from the dresser and brushed it. Her hair was dirty blonde, but more on the light brown side of the scale.

She pinned it back at her ear with a white flower clip. She adored flowers. She knew so much about them. She also had a vast knowledge of trees thanks to Evan.

Lily threw on some white sneakers. "Ready to go?" Evan asked.

Lily nodded, grabbing a navy blue backpack with pink flowers on it. "I think so."

Evan smiled and gave Lily a hug. "I can give you a ride to school if you're willing to sit in the backseat with Abby and Charlie."

She smiled. "That sounds great. Thank-you."

The two walked downstairs where they were greated by Heidi and Paul.

"I can't believe my little baby is starting High School!" Heidi said, giving her a hug.

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