Ron asks "when did you get a comet 290?"

"Becca, Blaise and Draco got it for me for christmas." Saying his name makes a few tears drop. I wipe them away and Mrs Weasley says "forget about boys, bloody nightmare they are"

Jamie hugs me and I say "not all are bad." She laughs.

The other boys all protest and I laugh. Ron says "you tried it out yet."

"Yeah but I wouldn't mind giving it another spin."

Mrs Weasley says "food first then quidditch." We all move to the kitchen. She says "Amy, your family have already been invited to the party and are coming."

"Thank you." We all eat and then go and get out brooms. I push off from the ground and zoom up. We all come back to ground level.

Fred shouts "let's see whose quicker, Harry or Amy."

Harry says me as I say him. I say "alright it's fairly even. I have the better broomstick but he can fly better than me. Let's see who wins. Or are you afraid of losing to a girl and as slytherin as well."

Hermine says "you may be in that house but you don't act like it." I shrug and we agree on all the way to the end of the file at the far end and back. No magic allowed. I pass over my wand and my phone goes off with the ringtone of 'my songs know what you did in the dark' by fall out boy. They all look at me in confusion. I take out my phone and say "hello."

Laura's voice come over the phone. "Amy, we was wondering if you were going to the Weasley families New Years party?"

"Yeah, I'm actually at the Weasley's home now."

"Oh, why darling?"

"I found out that..... Draco cheated on me and left. I was going to phone you later on. I knew you would be busy."

"Darling, you call us whenever you want or need us."


"The girls want to talk to you." She passed the phone and I hear two little hellos.

"Il put you on loud speaker so everyone can hear you." I do and ask "so how's my chipmunk and monkey?"

Marla says "playing with dad, football."

"I hope your Westham."

Maria says "we are and were winning."

"That's my girls. Thank you for your lovely presents. Did you like yours?"

"Yes they did." It's Laura again, "they won't take them off. I have sent you a picture. I have to go before they brake something. Love you darling."

"Love you too, tell the girls I love them."

"Will do." I hang up and check my email. I have a few pictures. I show the others. I say "they got me this jumper with my surname on the back."

Ginny says "what is that?

"A mobile phone, it's a muggle device. It's very useful. I put a spell so it always comes back to me. So we going to race." We both get ready and I pass my phone to Hermine. We get in line and when Fred says go we both take off. We are even until the turn when he edges in front. I pull it back and overtake him last second. The rest of them cheer, I say "bad luck chosen one." We both land and he hugs me. I take my phone back and we head in for dinner.

I show Mr Weasley the phone and spend three hours explaining it and what it does. He seems fascinated. It gets late and Her,one shows me to her room that she shares with Ginny. Another bed has been put in and we sit and talk then get ready for bed. I say goodnight and go to sleep.

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