Chapter 2

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I wake up at four with a wet face. I have been crying but can't remember what about. Oh well, I quickly and quietly get changed into my robes and go down to the common room, not expecting anyone to be there but I am wrong. I sit on the sofa next to him. Frightening the life out of him. I laugh at him as he says "you think that's funny?"

I nod through my laughter. He turns to face am as I lean against the arm rest and put my feet on the sofa but with my knees bent. He shakes his head and then throws his hands at me and tiggles me. Whilst laughing and crying I say "please don't, no."

He pulls back and gives me a devilish smile. He moves back towards me again, I grab his arms to try and stop him. Why does he have to figure out I am tigglish? He can use that against me and I don't like people having advantages over me. Although they all the advantage as they know more spells than I do. I quickly realise holding his arms isn't going to help so I grab his hands instead. I push against his hands pushing him back.

I hear someone coming downstairs, please be someone that can help me. It's Blaise. He looks at us and Draco says "giggling is her weakness, come help me." I realise Blaise is going to. I push Draco back against the sofa. Blaise realises I am going for the door and runs into the way. I smile at him cheekily and put my hands to his face as if to kiss him. He smiles and relaxes.

I say quickly "and I know your weakness." I kiss his cheek and push past him. I hear Draco yelling at him as I run down the hallway. Laughing as I go. This is so easy, maybe too easy. I hear Draco say to split up, that makes it easier. Draco heads in my direction. I run onto a stair case. Just as I get to the end it moves and I feel as if I am about to fall. Someone grabs my waist and pulls me back. I spin in their arms, expecting to see Draco or Blaise but it's not, it's Charlie.

Charlie Thorn, from my house. I spoke to him a few times and his part of Draco's group. He has brown hair, his taller than me and has lots of muscle, in other words super fit. He says "you alright?" In his deep and sexy voice.

"Yeah if I can just get up" he let's go and I swear he blushes slightly. Did he or am I just imagining it? Why do I care? I am interested in boys but I don't really want a boyfriend.

He apologises and asks "why are you running around with no shoes?"

I look at my feet and see my fluffy socks. I laugh "Draco and Blaise are chasing me to tiggle me."

He says "really." The way he says it and then looks at me indicts his on their side. Run defiantly run. I push him back and run for it. I stop at a door and see it's locked, great. Blaise is coming up one side and the other two on the other side. The stairs in front of me have moved, but their still in reach. I step backwards and say "what they hell?" I run and jump at the stairs, I land on my side hard. Ouch that hurt. But then I realise the stairs are heading back to the others.

They all look at me and then start giggling me all at once. I scream and say "please, please stop." They all pull back and look at me.

Draco says "what do we get if we stop?"

I say it before I realise. "One thing each." I lay back and think you stupid girl. Never give a boy that much power, let alone three.

They all nod in agreement. I get up and start making my way back to the common room. They are all talking about what to get out of me I told them that it has to be within reason. They all agreed. I am really going to regret this. We walk back in and I run upstairs and start sorting out books and things. I check my timetable, I have charms double first, herbology, astronomy which I am dreading as I am on my own then double defence against the dark arts. Today is going to be terrible. I grab my bag after putting on my shoes that are black pumps.

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