Part Ten

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I decided a private plane was the way to go for this entire trip. I didn't want my family to be exposed to any unnecessary run-ins with paparazzi or with fans. Emily and I would announce Kesse was a part of our family on our own time. It was important to me that we keep this as under wraps as possible. So we left as early as possible from the house.

I rented a house for us in Spain, complete with a chef, a cleaning staff and a nanny. We were only going to be there for four days, but Emily was pregnant and I didn't want her doing anything whatsoever. Not to mention I needed to make sure Kesse had as calm an environment as possible to come back to and for whatever reason fans always seemed to find out when I was staying in a hotel. The house was secluded and Jeff assured me the staff would tell no one. My goal was to have my family back home with no one any the wiser that we were now plus one child.

Emily slid her hands onto her hips as I walked into the master bedroom behind her,

"A nanny?"

I nodded,

"Yes. A nanny."

"Harry, I can take care of Noah. I'm only eight weeks. I'm months away from even showing."
"I don't care." I said confidently, "I make enough money to make sure you don't lift a finger while you're pregnant."
She shook her head, knowing better than to argue with me when I was determined. I'd been the same way with Noah. She reached out to grab my hand as I walked by, pulling me over to her. She linked her hands behind my back,

"Tell me we're gonna be ok. He's coming home."

I rubbed her shoulders gently,

"We're gonna be ok. He's coming home."

Just then the doorbell rang. I could hear Lucy screaming through the house that she would answer it.

I shook my head,

"There's Justin." I pulled her hands apart behind me and then threaded our fingers together, "C'mon." I said, kissing her knuckles, "We have some papers to sign."

Justin had everything laid out on the kitchen table when we walked in. Lucy was sitting in the chair at the head of the table, shaking her head,

"You have to sign all of these?" She asked as she reached forward to touch one.

I reached out to stop her,

"Yes. Don't touch it though, Diz. Mr. Withers spent a lot of time getting it all just right."

Justin smiled as he put his hand on top of Lucy's head,

"Aw, that's alright, Love. Touch what you like."

Lucy looked back down at the papers and shook her head, pulling her hands down into her lap. Noah, on the other hand, grabbed for the first paper he saw. I laughed, leaning down to wrestle it out of his fingers,

"Gimme that, Grabby Hands."

Noah giggled as he released the paper. I swung him up to rest on my hip while Justin explained what it was we were signing. Emily and I nodded along. I was no lawyer but it all sounded pretty standard for an adoption.

Justin clicked the pen and handed it to me. I shook my head,

"She goes first."

Emily nervously took the pen out of Justin's hand and leaned down to sign the papers one by one. She was done in just under five minutes. I handed Noah over to her and then leaned down to sign my name under hers.

Justin clapped his hands together when we were done. He smiled,

"Well that's that then. Looks like the two of you are parents to a bouncing baby boy."

The Adoption - Until I Find You Again // Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now