(Gelo's P.O.V) I arrived to Liz's house taking out the chocolate covered strawberries I bought as I locked the car ringing the bell. She opened the door and a huge smile made way to her face. "Hey, I thought that after a long day you would want to chill and watch a movie or something." I smiled. "Yeah, of course thanks. Come in. Make yourself at home."I stepped in closing the door behind me. We walked up to her room as she sat on the bed. I just stood there. "You could sit next to me. I promise I don't bite." She smiled as I rolled my eyes. "These are for you." I gave her the box of strawberries. "Thank you." She surprised me when I felt her lips on my cheek. "Welcome." "So what do you want to watch?" She asked. "Ummm.. Friends." She nodded looking for it. "Do you mind if we watch it from the beginning?" She shyly asked. "Of course. No problem." She smiled at me as we watched the first episode of season one. The room was filled with laughter as the episodes went on. She would lay on my stomach, next thing you know I would lay on her stomach as she played with my hair. We finished watching the whole first season and continued with the second one. By this point I sat up with my back against the beds blackboard as she sat in between my legs with her back pressed against my chest and my arms loosely wrapped around her as her hands rested on my thighs. We only saw one and a half of the seasons when Liz's mom came in. "Hey kids, dinners ready. Darling Gelo I was wondering if you would like to stay for dinner?" Her mom asked as she smiled at me. "Umm... I actually have to go home soon. But next time definitely." I replied back as she nodded closing the door behind her. "You're leaving now?" She asked. "Yeah, my mom is making a huge deal on family dinner." I rolled my eyes. "Alright, as much as I don't want you to leave I'll walk you out." She got off the bed slipping on her Puma slides. "Bye!" I called out. "Bye Gelo." She walked with me to my car. "I really had fun. Although we didn't talk, I really enjoyed having you over. Thanks." She smiled at me. I held onto her hands as I pulled her in for a hug. Her hands wrapped themselves around my waist as she pulled me closer to her. I kissed the top of her head, gently resting my chin on it as we hugged. "You're welcome. I really enjoyed today as well." "We should do it more often and I promise I won't see the show until the next time you come. But please make it soon cause it's really good and funny." She looked up at me. "We should. You just tell me when to come over and I'll be right there whenever you need or want me. Deal?" I spoke. She looked up at me with a smile on her face. "You got it dude." She tiptoed as she placed a kiss on my cheek. We both smiled as we looked into each other's eyes. "You have such beautiful eyes." She spoke. "Thank you and you're the most gorgeous person I've seen." I noticed a small tint of pink forming on her cheeks as I smiled feeling proud at the fact I caused that. "Thank you." I nodded. "I really don't want you to leave. Oh by the way I've been meaning to ask. Why was there not a picture of Isabella on the digital picture frame with all of us on it? Just curious." I was confused. "Why would there be?" I asked. "Umm... well isn't she our friend?" Scratching the back of my neck I spoke. "Not exactly friend." Her face expression showed confusion but let it go. "Alright I have to go. Bye Liz, see you tomorrow." Kissing her cheek once again she did it back as I got into my car driving away. Why would she think Isabella was her friend? Shrugging it off I made it home to see mom cooking. "Hey honey, where you've been?" Mom asked as I walked in the kitchen to get a water bottle. "Liz's house." "How is she holding up?" Mom asked as I leaned against the counter. "Better than everyone expected. I'm really proud. Although she got confused and what not it's normal after what happened." I admitted. "How are you holding up?" Mom's voice slightly changed. "I just have mixed emotions. I honestly regret not taking a chance with her when she knew of my feelings." I looked down to the ground. "What about her boyfriend?" I rolled my eyes. "I know for a fact that Porter is taking advantage of the situation and had turned into the world best boyfriend. I have a feelings he knows about my feelings towards Liz. But I don't care. I'll tell the whole world myself." Mom gave me a small smile. "Everything is going to work out just fine. Watch. You just have to give it time." Mom gave me a hug. "Thanks mom. Love you." I kissed her cheek. "Love you too hun." With that I walked upstairs to my room. I started with my homework, after a few minutes I finished my math and it was time to eat. "Where were you at?" Melo asked. "He was with his lover." Zo wiggled his eyebrows. "You went over to Liz's house? You could've taken me." Melo groaned. "How you know I was talking about Liz and not some other girl?" Zo asked Melo. "Cause the only girl on this man's mind is Liz." Melo answered as I rolled my eyes. "Dude you always get the hot girl. How do you do it?" Melo asked. "Boy if you don't shut up and focus on basketball first." Dad playfully smacked the back of his head. "That's not fair, Gelo and Zo have girlfriends." "That's because they are grown and know how to make time for everything. You're still a kid. Don't let me find out you got a little girl friend before I beat your ass." Zo and I shared laughing as mom shushed us. "Leave my poor baby alone." "Mama's boy." We teased. "Yo man shut up." Everyone started laughing. "Ya just mad that ya don't get any love." Melo smirked. "We do from our girls which you don't got none little boy." Zo smirked back at him. "Yo man whatever." I couldn't stop laughing. "Okay, okay settle down. Time to eat." Mom sat next to dad. We all started serving our plates dogging the food away. "This is amazing. Damn mom." "Thank you honey." She gave me a smile. After eating I helped out with the dishes as mom put away the leftovers. Everyone was in the living room as I smiled when I received a text from Liz. "I miss you." I typed away on my phone, "Awe I miss you too." As everyone was watching a movie I was texting Liz. "Yo it's movie time. You could text your girl later. I'm not talking about Isabella." Melo spoke catching me off guard. "Melo shut up and let the man be. He's talking to his crush." Zo turned Melo's head around. We talked for hours. It felt exactly like before. For the rest of the night we talked until I fell asleep.  

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○•What do you guys think of Isabella taking advantage of Liz's loss of memory and pretending to be "best friends"?°●
○• Wanted to publish something on New Years Eve for you guys and I hope you like it.°●

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