"Two people I happen to not like at the moment." Jenna declared with a scoff before she crossed her arms over her chest, as if she was getting ready for a stand down with this Dean Winchester guy.

Dean chuckled for her fiery attitude before the amusement was wiped from his face, something Jenna wasn't expecting so instantly. "That's a shame because I also happen to be Elena's biological father."

"But I thought..." She trailed off as her wide eyes moved between Dean, Elena and John. She was under the impression that John had been Elena's biological father but when her eyes landed on the tied up man in question, all she saw was a stunned expression which only confirmed to Jenna that John had believed that he was Elena's father from the start. What confused Jenna though was that Elena didn't look surprised by the news...Jenna could only conclude that another lie had been told to her.

Noticing Jenna's betrayed look to Elena, Dean hurried to explain enough to get Jenna to sit down and hear him out. "Only me and Isobel knew the truth of who Elena's father was and there is a reason for that. A reason that would explain any lie or excuse that was ever fed to you."

She didn't want to hear the explanation but a part of her had a feeling that she needed to. "Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like this?"

Dean shrugged as he took his final steps towards Jenna. "You probably won't but we're giving you an option. If this gets too much for you, then just say the word and Damon will take it all away." He offered before he looked to Damon who only nodded; he and Dean had already discussed the option beforehand, even when everyone else was against Damon's involvement, especially Stefan.

"How?" She questioned while giving him a suspicious look. The option didn't seem plausible or realistic to her in anyway.

"It will be explained but just know that you have that option." Dean stated before he gestured for Jenna to take a seat.

Jenna sighed before she walked around to take an empty seat by Elena. "Okay, let me hear it." She declared with her full attention on Dean.

And so she did; Dean told Jenna everything, with Sam and the others (minus John) filling in a few things along the way. She didn't learn the extensive history of the Winchesters but she knew the basics of what they did and why Dean stayed away from Elena for as long as he did. Jenna learned about vampires, Isobel, Klaus and about the predestined fate that Elena had because she was born as the Petrova doppelganger. To say she was shocked was an understatement but to everyone's surprise, Jenna didn't want all the supernatural knowledge to be erased like Dean and Damon had offered her in the beginning.

After all that family drama was taken care of, Elena's bonding time with the Winchesters was much easier to pursue. There were quite a few times when Sam and Dean received invitations for dinner, from either Elena or Jenna, at the Gilbert house during their stay in Mystic Falls. It was a great way for both sets of families to get acquainted with one another. One of them happened to be a celebration of Sam's birthday when the time came which was a memorable experience for the hunter. Even Alaric had joined them as he and Jenna were mending their relationship now that she knew the truth.

Aside from those dinners, Elena would bond with Dean during his 'hunter lessons' as she's come to call them. He would either take her to practice her shooting or practice her fighting skills or he'd tell her stories about his past. When it came to Sam, Elena usually spend her time getting to know her uncle through academics. Whenever she needed some help with her homework, she always found herself going to him for some advice or help which usually came with his own stories about his life, whether it was about hunting, his time at Stanford or the very few times he wasn't involved in hunting at all. No matter which form of bonding she participated in, Elena found that she loved it. The only times anyone ever saw Elena without either Winchester was when she was at school with her friends. They all understood her need to spend time and get to know this new family she had discovered but it seemed to put a strain on Elena's relationship with Stefan since neither Winchester wanted anything to do with the youngest Salvatore vampire which was tough since they were all currently living under the same roof.

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