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After their night of celebration in honor of Klaus' demise and Katherine's entombment, Sam and Dean decided to stay at the boarding house for a little bit longer instead of returning to Rufus' cabin in Whitefish, Montana. During their stay, not only did everyone tie off any loose ends when it came to Klaus (mainly sealing up and spelling Elijah's daggered body) but both Sam and Dean had their turn in getting to know Elena, in their own way, and everyone she cared about but most of the bonding happened between the newly reunited father and daughter.

Although for the Winchesters, bonding with Elena wasn't that simple due to the remaining adults that she had in her life; Jenna and John. The mess that John had created by calling in Isobel had to be resolved when it came to Jenna so with the help of Sam and Damon, Dean took it upon himself to help not only Elena but Alaric as well when it came to mending the broken dynamic that John had set into motion.

The only way to do that was to tell the truth...the whole truth.

No one liked that idea but Dean didn't care; he saw what happened to oblivious people and yet he saw what happened to fully aware people when it came to the supernatural. Neither option was safe but with Damon's help, Jenna would have the ultimate decision to make in the end.

And that's what Dean and Damon did; they gave Jenna a choice.

Everyone was waiting anxiously in the Gilbert's living room for Jenna to return home. She had been staying on campus to avoid everyone since Isobel had showed up at their doorstep a few nights ago. They were just waiting to see if Jeremy's text to his aunt is what would bring her back home.

Sure enough, the sound of a car door closing could be heard outside before the clicking of a lock was heard at the door shortly afterwards.

"Jeremy? I got your text, what's...wrong?" Jenna called out and trailed off at the end when she noticed the crowded living room.

What truly caught her attention were the two unknown men standing beside a tied up John with duct-tape over his mouth. She then noticed that Elena and Jeremy were sitting calmly on one of the couches while Alaric and Damon were standing along the back wall.

"What's going on? Why is John tied up?" Jenna questioned while slowly taking a step back. She couldn't understand how everyone she knew could be so calm while two strangers stood by a tied up man. Was this a robbery gone wrong?

"So he can listen and not interrupt what we're about to discuss." The shorter of the two strangers stated as he slowly approached Jenna with his hands up. "He's done enough damage as it is."

Jenna's brow furrowed out of confusion; she knew John was troublesome but what could he have done to anger two strangers? "What damage?"

"By bringing Isobel back to town." He continued while keeping his eyes on Jenna but noises of John trying to disagree could be heard from behind the approaching stranger. It got to a point that the taller stranger had to apply a bit of pressure to John's clavicle until he got the message to be quiet. Eventually he got it.

Jenna's breath hitched when she heard Isobel's name, a name that brought a lot of pain and betrayal to her heart. "I don't want to hear their excuses or their lies." She declared before she turned to walk away but she didn't get far until the first stranger's voice stopped her in her tracks.

"You're going to want to hear this because it has everything to do with Elena's safety." He firmly stated and he was pleased when Jenna stopped once Elena was mentioned. He knew if anything, bringing Elena into the conversation would grab the graduate student's attention.

Jenna turned back to glare at him. "Who did you say you were again?"

The stranger smirked as he continued to approach her. "I didn't but my name is Dean Winchester. I'm an old friend of Damon's and Ric's."

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