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"Hey, wake up!"

I groan, opening my eyes as much as I can without the light burning them too much. "What's going on?" I close my eyes and then open them again, trying to get adjusted to the light. Wait...someone is front of me. "Hiiro Kagami..."

"You know my name?" His eyes narrow a bit, looking at me harshly. Uh...that was the wrong thing to say to him!

"Hiiro, move out of the way," Emu says, popping down next to him. "Are you okay?"

I nod my head as I sit up a bit. "Yeah..." I mutter out. I'm in the Ex-Aid universe! Holy crap!

"Intern, move over. I'm going to be the one who checks on her since I have the skills to," Hiiro states, shoving Emu a bit. "How do you know my name?"

Sleeping in a chair is uncomfortable. "Uh..." I can't tell them anything. If I don't, it'll get me into a lot of trouble. Besides, I have no idea what is going on.

"Where did you come from? Are you a Bugster?"

I glare at him. "I'm not a Bugster you idiot!"

"Hiiro, you're upsetting her!" A pink haired girl shouts, smacking him on the head. "Hello there!"


"You know me?" Uh....I need to get it together.

I force a laugh to come out of my throat. "Oh, I do! You're a famous singer from that one game that all my friends play!"

She giggles and spins around, smilingly brightly. Gosh, she's so lovely! I wish I could be like her and be that radiant and happy. She's like a fairy queen!

"No, that isn't it!"

"Shush!" Hiiro says, silencing her before she can say anything else. "So, who are you?" He looks at me with an icy stare.

"My name is Elkie."

"Elkie? What an interesting name," Emu states, laughing. "Elkie, do you have a last name?"

"Yes, of course I do. My name is Elkie Winters."

"Elkie Winters?"

"Don't you trust me?" I ask, looking in Hiiro's eyes. He's so beautiful in person. His skin is pretty nice looking and his hair is so pretty. The color is nice.

Hiiro looks away. "No, I don't trust you. You arrived in a similar way to how to Bugsters show up to places. I am doubting you."

"I'm not a Bugster!"

"Hiiro, we should trust her." Emu smiles at me and gets up, moving towards me. He closes the space between us and his smile grows wider. "I think she's Human. She's also very confused about what is going on just like the rest of us. I can see it on her face."

"I am confused."

Hiiro sighs a bit. "We're keeping her in the CR then. Poppy, prepare some spare clothes for her and make sure she has everything she needs here. She's obviously out of this world in nature and I can't have that falling into Kuroto's hands. He saw her arrive and he's probably looking for her right at this moment."

"Kuroto is looking for me? Why?"

Emu gets out of my space and looks at Hiiro. "We can't lock her up! That isn't the right way to handle this situation! She's a victim, not a criminal!"

"Intern, shut it," Hiiro orders. "It isn't safe for any of us if she is out there running about."

"I'll get everything she needs for tonight! Should I get anything?"

Wishful Dreams (Kamen Rider Ex-Aid Fanfic)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat