Chapter 1~Him

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I'm 19 year old Ken Kaneki, I'm a college student and I work at Anteiku a local coffee shop. I'm a pretty short guy for my age and I'm not strong at all, but I'm lucky I got this job instead of anything that involves any heavy lifting.

Today was just like any other day but today was Saturday and I didn't have any classes today, I did however have to work but not until later. I decided to head toward the book store considering I was almost done with the one I was reading at the moment.
Since I don't own a car I usually walk every place I go. I don't really mind, I enjoy it. Especially when it rains.
I made it there in about 5 minutes and like always not alot of people were there. The only people there were book worms like myself. I walked over to the Takatsuki Sen my favorite author.
I began keeping an eye out for her newest book but it must of had already been sold out. Damn guess I walked here for no reason. I turned and started to make my way toward the door when I bumped into someone. They dropped their books on the ground and I quickly picked them up.
"Oh dear I'm so sorry. I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going." I apologized, standing back up.
"No need to apologize my dear. What can I say accidents happen." The man said to me with a warm smile on his face as he starred into my eyes.
I blushed then looked down at his books. I noticed he had the book I was looking for.
"Ah Takatsuki Sen's newest book. You took the last one?" I asked him.
"Why yes I did. After all she is my favorite author."
"Ah r-really?" I smiled at him abit. "S-She's my favorite too..." 
"Well I must be off. I hope we meet again...Sorry I don't think I got your name."
"Oh I'm Kaneki."
"Kaneki? Such a sweet name. I'm Tsukiyama." He grabbed my hand and gently kissed it. "It was a real pleasure meeting you." He turned around and walked out of the store.

Kaneki x Tsukiyama{My Dear Sweet Kaneki}Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu