18 | The Room Where it Happens

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*glances at title* i apologize in advance for all of the references in this chapter

"I have some bad news about Bennett..."

My heart immediately sunk as Declan put his arms around me, but Jordan leapt up.

"What did you say?!" he cried. "Tell us! What news!" He jumped up from the chair and shook the lady by the collar.

People were starting to stare. "Calm, down, Mr. Wallace, or we may have to remove you from the premises."

"Is he trying to get thrown out just so he can prove me wrong?" muttered Declan, but his voice was quiet and subdued.

"Just tell us the news," Bentley spat, in that cold, monotone voice that he shared with his brother. "What happened?"

"He's alive... but barely."

Everyone let out a sigh of relief and Jordan sank back into his chair, his hands on his forehead. He's not dead. He's not dead. He's still alive.

But barely.

"Let's go see him, so I can order him to stay alive," Declan suggested, standing up from his chair. "What room is he in?"

"Room 1776," the lady said as we stood up. Declan took the lead, followed by Jordan and I, and Bentley at the back, looking solemn.

Bentley carefully stepped away from us. "I never caught your name," he said to the lady, who gave him a look.

"Angelica Schuyler," she told him carefully.

"Would that be Mrs. Schuyler or Miss Schuyler?" Bentley asked with a faint smirk, stepping closer to the lady.

Declan stopped abruptly to glare at him. "Are you serious? Your brother was just shot and you're flirting with the secretary?"

Bentley snorted. "I'm one of the richest teens in the world right now. No one would turn me down."

"Frazier, you disgust me," she muttered, stalking off to the head of the group.

We arrived at Room 1776 and I was instantly nervous, but the Musketeers put their hands on my shoulders to steady me. I wasn't sure that I would be able to face Bennett, because all of this was my fault.

Carefully, the secretary lady opened the door to reveal a doctor and two nurses standing over the bed, blocking the patient from view. The secretary stepped in.

"Alex, John, Eliza, get out of the way, the patient's visitors are here."

"Make me," said one of the nurses, a guy with freckles and really curly hair. He stuck out his tongue as the other two moved away.

The secretary rolled her eyes. "John, get out of the way or I'll tell the entire hospital staff that you're seeing one of your co-workers."

The freckled nurse turned red and the doctor, who had unruly dark hair and a tired face, grabbed him by the collar and yanked him away from the bed.

And then I saw Bennett.

He didn't even look like Bennett anymore. His face was paler than usual, which was a feat, considering how pale he was to begin with. His eyes were closed, and his dark hair was spread out on the pillow.

As we rushed up to the bed, I saw needles sticking out of his left arm, but I didn't see any wounds. "Where did the bullet hit him?" I asked, my voice trembling.

The tired-looking doctor spoke up. "The bullet entered just above his hip and lodged in his right arm." He gestured to Bennett's sleeping form and I noticed a lump where I guess the bandages were.

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