Chapter Twenty Nine: Christmas Eve

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The next morning I woke up and found I couldn't see. I opened my eyes but it was still dark. There was a sticky smelly wet running down my face. I stuck my tongue out to lick it and tasted — sweat. Then it all came back to me; where I was and what I was doing and I realized what was happening. I reached up towards my eyes and grabbed the hands I was sure I would find. I pulled the sweaty hands off my face and with all the effort I could muster, I pushed. I smiled as I heard the satisfying clunk that meant Malfoy had fallen to the floor.

"Whahappendwaszatgranger," Malfoy mumbles from the floor.

"Get up its Christmas Eve!" I shouted at him and kicked him until he sat up. I didn't want to be rude, but he was Malfoy and he did cover me with his sweat.

"Ugh Granger what's your problem." He groaned.

"It's Christmas Eve. Get up!" He was just lying there being annoying. Then he started whining.

"But I don't want to Granger. I'm too tired I need my beauty rest. Not that you would understand." Whine whine whine went Draco Malfoy. Then, his mother walked in.

"Draco?" Malfoy sat up immediately. "What do you think you are doing and why are you rolling around on the floor. I hope you have shown some respect to the lovely Miss Hermione Granger!" Malfoy blushed a deep red of embarrassment. Then Narcissa turned to me, "And you Miss Granger. Are you doing alright? Do you need anything? Some food perhaps?"

Malfoy cut me off before I could respond. "She's fine mother. I got Snobby to bring her some food last night and she ate a lot of it." He gestured over towards my mostly empty tray. At that moment 'You- Know - Who' walked through the door, and for once I'm not talking about Voldemort.

"Did someone call for me, Snobby, your best house elf?" Nose was in the air and the Snobby voice was at full force. He gave me a knowing wink and certain memories of last night filtered into my head giving me a strong urge to throw up.

"No, Snobby. No one called for you. Now leave before I make you do something I won't —" he caught my eye, "fine! Just leave Snobby! You weren't called for." Narcissa gave me a knowing look and smiled.

"Wonderful." She said. " now if you are all set, Draco and Hermione, you will be setting up the tree. I've already brought it in the house and the box of ornaments are downstairs. It shouldn't take long and then you can prepare for our annual twenty four hour Christmas Party."

"Twenty four hour Christmas Party," I gawked. Narcissa looked at me and I could tell we were both thinking of last time I was at a party.

"Don't worry Hermione dear," she said in a soothing voice. "I'm sure your lovely Draco darling won't let you come to any harm this time." With that she left the room.

"Well, I guess we had better go set up the tree," I said. Then when he made no response I grabbed him by the arm and dragged him down to the tree.


"What happened to the tree!" It was Narcissa Malfoy screaming at us.

"Let me explain please," I said hurriedly. Malfoy had disappeared from to room. Narcissa nodded and I began. "It all started out well. I was using the levitation charm to take ornaments out of the box and place them neatly on the tree. After about ten minutes of this I noticed I was doing all the work. I turned around and saw Malfoy rubbing an apple on his shirt to make it shiny. After I saw him kiss it I decided I had had enough. I told him to help me. He told me no and chucked the apple at me. I was angry at him, but trying to keep my cool so I used levicorpus on him. Sadly I forgot to disarm him so he used the Jelly Legs Jinx and I went flying into the tree because I couldn't support myself. This causes me to lose hold on levicorpus and he fell. Once the jinx wore off on my legs, I righted the tree. Malfoy started using his wand to do what I thought was add the ornaments to the tree, however I learned I was very wrong when I felt a box of glass ornaments come crashing down on my head. That's pretty much it."

Narcissa sighed and shook her head. "Draco can be so — Malfoy. I am so sorry dear." She waved her wand and fixed the tree and cleaned the room with one swift twirl of her wand. "Now rush upstairs dear and get ready for the party. You don't have much time, it starts in only seven hours so you barely have any time to get ready. The dress, hair and makeup people have been upstairs and waiting for an hour. Get a move on. Go!" So I rushed upstairs, completely flustered, to get ready for yet another party I didn't want to attend.

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