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Boy's POV
It was nighttime. My stepdad had just gotten done beating me for like the hundredth time, but I've had enough! I decided to run away once and for all. I left with nothing but the clothes on my own back. Out into the streets of London I went all by me lonely self. I ran as fast as my little feet could carry me. I never had parents. They died when I was born, and I was raised by my stepfather,  who like I said beats me.

I said as I ran into a figure in the street. I fell backwards on the impact, and hit my head.

The last thing I remember was a tall man with black and white hair picking me up in his arms.

Sweeney's POV
As I carried the small boy in my arms, I couldn't help but feel bad. After all, I did run into the poor little soul. I carried him home on the dark, damp streets of London.

When I got back to my shop I could smell the meat pies that Mrs. Lovett was cooking.

I opened the door with my back toward it and brushed past Mrs. Lovett and up stairs.

"Heavens! What's this Mr. Todd!?"
Mrs. Lovett said aghast.

"Pardon me Mrs. Lovett, little situation here."
I said carrying the boy upstairs, and laying him on my bed.

"Mr. Todd! What's going on!"
Mrs. Lovett cried.

"I ran into the poor thing in the street, he's knocked out!"
I tell her.

"Sweeney! You killed a boy!"
Mrs. Lovett cried once more.

"I did not! We shall not hurt that boy as long as he's under my wings!"
I said sternly.

"But Mr. Todd....."

I boasted.

"We don't have wings."

I gave Mrs. Lovett a dirty look, and stormed off.

"Shall I make the boy a pie Mr. T?"
Mrs. Lovett asks.

"Yes, and fetch him some water."
I ordered.

"Yes Mr. Todd."
Mrs. Lovett says as Sweeney head upstairs to check and see if the boy has awoken yet.

"My God he's alive."
I say.

"What? W-Where am I? W-who are you?"
The boy asks like he's drunk.

"My boy your alive. I'm so glad! I found you in the streets. Your in my pie shop, and I'm Sweeney Todd. Call me Sweeney."
I say.

"Hello. I'm...Max."🏴

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