Start from the beginning

"How did you get this?" Her voice was thick with tears but she refused to let them fall.

"I found it in a pack on my ladys horse," He shifted away from the fire and Elia met his eyes for the first time, "She said your mother knew you wouldn't believe her, so she sent this with her."

Elia sniffed quietly and brought the wooden wolf to her chest, smiling softly at Podrick, "I made for her nameday before the king rode north and everything went to shit. She said she'd never let it out of her sight, guess she can't do that anymore, can she?"


"Elia, call me Elia." Elia spoke quietly, there were no sounds from above her head, no noise except for the winds outside. Podrick was wary, Elia could tell he was not sure of her words. "Please, Podrick."

"If it pleases, m'lady-" A sharp look had Podrick reeling, "-Elia."

Elia smiled at his red cheeks and leant further into her chair, toying with the tiny direwolf. Her mother had never smiled so brightly at a gift before, Eddard tended to spoil her, and it brought a fresh wave of tears to Elia's eyes. She would never see her mother and fathers smiling faces, never hear Arya and Sansa arguing nor Rickon cheering Bran as he climbed. Gone were the days where Robb and Jon taught her to weild a sword behind their mothers back, IT WAS ALL GONE.

She buried her face in her hands and drew her knees to her chest as she cried, he mother would be so disappointed in her if she knew that Elia had hidden away instead of finding her sisters.FAMILY, DUTY, HONOR, her mothers ran in her head, family comes first.

A warm hand landed softly on her shoulder and another drew her cloak back up to sit on her shoulder properly, Podrick knelt in front of her with worried eyes. His mouth opened and closed before he stopped altogether and smiled at her, embarrassed.

"I won't let my sister fall into the hands of more monsters," Podrick shuffled back when Elia spoke, her voice full of venom. "I will go with you. I will go home, Pod."

THE NEXT MORNING, Elia found herself atop a large chestnut mare. It was the best horse Tyra and Alec had to offer her, though it was reluctantly offered. Tyra stood next to Elia's legs as Alec fussed over the horse, checking the straps and everything else Elia didn't know how to check. It had been a tear filled morning when Tyra awoke to see Elia with her bags pack and travelling cloak on, she had refused to believe it.

NO, NOT HAPPENING. Elia remembered the look of utter fury on Tyras face, I WON'T LOSE YOU.

I HAVE TO DO THIS, TYRA, Elia had pleaded with her, Tyra may not be blood but she was the closest thing Elia had to a mother figure. I CANNOT LEAVE MY SISTER IN THE HANDS OF MONSTERS, NOT AGAIN.

Tyra hadn't listened to a single word of Elia's pleading, instead she'd crossed her arms and forbade her to go. YOU CAN'T FORBIDE ME FROM GOING. I AM A STARK OF WINTERFELL AND I AM GOING HOME.

Alec had smiled brightly at her then and brought Elia into a tight hug, I'M SO PROUD OF YOU, he'd told her then and the same smile hadn't left his face an hour later.

"There's nothing I can do to convince you to stop this madness is there?" Tyra asked softly, staring up at the heir of Winterfell. Elia smiled down at her and took her hand in her own.

"No, Tyra." Elia's voice sung with joy when she spoke, she radiated when she spoke of home. "My sister needs me."

"Then I will not delay you." Tyra brushed a kiss across Elia's knuckles and whispered a soft goodbye to the horse.

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