Chapter 7 (Change)

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Athena took a silent deep breath and walked straight to her grandmother without looking back, even though she could feel Jake's presence behind her as she walked. Her grandmother looked up at them as they approached, and smiled. Athena placed the glass in her hand on the table and sat on an open chair close to her grandmother. 

Athena smiled. 'I was wondering where you two were. I saw you two talking to Liz.' Miss Thompson's eyes travelled from Athena to Jake, and back with a glint in them. 'I always knew you two would find each other eventually,' she said and winked at Athena. Athena felt the blood rush to her cheeks. Jake chuckled. How could he be so calm about this? Athena looked at him and instantly wished she hadn't. She knew Jake looked even more gorgeous when he laughed. Her heart heated as it raced in her chest. She looked away. It was just a little kiss. What was she going on about? 'Why didn't you two tell me? And how long has this been going on for?' Miss Thompson seemed genuinely excited about this (fake) news. Athena's mouth dropped open, but she couldn't say anything. Lying to Liz was one thing but lying to her grandmother was another. No doubt Miss Thompson wouldn't approve of this lie if they told her the truth, and she might tell Liz. Athena almost cringed. That would make Liz's birthday. Knowing Athena felt so insecure that she had to lie about dating Jake Brown. Athena suddenly realised something. Dating Jake Brown meant something. He was like a trophy to girls like Liz... and Athena wasn't even if she was in a good enough league to date someone like Jake. That's why Liz was so surprised. 

'Athena? Are you alright, dear?' Athena looked at her grandmother.  

She felt heaviness in her chest which she couldn't understand. 'Uh...' she felt Jake's hot palm on her shoulder and tensed. Her breathing felt heavier. He stepped in front of her and hunched down a little to look into her face. 

'Yeah, you don't look so well,' he said. She studied him. She didn't feel well. She suddenly felt sick to her stomach. 

Her grandmother placed her hand to Athena's forehead. 'My dear, you're burning up.' She said and slid her hand to Athena's hot cheek. 

'I'll get you a glass of water,' Jake said and removed his hand from her shoulder before walking off. Athena watched him walk away.' 

'Now, that's a really special young man.' Athena looked at her grandmother. Miss Thompson's eyes were on Jake. 'Let me guess. You two were just pretending to get under Liz's skin,' she said with a knowing smile then looked at Athena. Athena nibbled on her lip and dropped her eyes, ashamed. She felt her grandmother's soft hands cover hers on her lap. 'It's alright, Athena. I've seen how nasty Liz is with you, but it doesn't justify you lying to her. You're better than that,' Miss Thompson said gently. Athena couldn't say anything. 'Although...' 

She raised her eyes to her grandmother. Miss Thompson smiled. 'Not all of it was a lie, was it?' she asked. Before Athena could say anything, Jake returned with a bottle of water. Athena made brief contact with him as she took it. 'Thanks.' Athena took a sip from it, appreciating the cool liquid running down her throat. 

'You okay now?' Jake asked. She almost smiled at how concerned he sounded. She nodded with her eyes low as she screwed the lid back onto the bottle. She felt silly. Stupid actually. Going on like this because of a little kiss? On her forehead! But, she knew it wasn't just the kiss. It was intense look Jake had given her before that kiss that drove her crazy. She was desperate to know what was going on in his mind, because she was almost completely sure that Liz was the last thing on it. But, maybe that was just wishful thinking from her side. One thing she was sure about was that she needed to get it together and fast, otherwise Liz would be the least of her worries. 

Athena's eyes travelled towards the door where a few people were already leaving. Teenagers. They were probably on their way to Liz's house for the after party. 'I think we can leave,' she said quietly. Athena looked at her grandmother. 'Are you coming over next month?' Athena asked and stood up. She placed a gentle kiss on her grandmother's cheek and hugged her. 

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