Chapter 6 (Blooming)

Start from the beginning

Jake raised a finger at Athena. He still didn't look at her. 'Shhh. Don't talk during the movie, Piglet,' he said and slowly let his gaze travel from black, open-toed heels up her long, smooth legs. Athena laughed. Her laugher caused a skip in his heartbeat. 

Jake could feel the hair lifting at the back of his neck. 'Jake, you're making me uncomfortable,' she said. He ignored her and let his eyes travel up the figure hugging, thin strapped and deeply flattering black dress that made a V at her bust - he tried not to let his gaze remain there for too long â€" up to her lightly made up and gentle face. Her hair was curled at the bottom and hung loose over her shoulders which framed her face beautifully. She laughed again and threw her keys at him. 'Perv,' she said and turned around. Jake felt his heart hammer against his chest. What was going on? Athena disappeared into the house. 'You can come in if you'd like!' she called behind her. Jake stepped inside and played with her keys, not knowing what else to do. Athena was standing by the kitchen counter fiddling with something in her purse. He found himself staring again. 

A smile tugged at his lips. 'You look beautiful, Athena.' He said almost breathlessly.

She looked over her shoulder and graced him with a smile. 'Thanks. You look pretty good yourself. I think Kelly shoulder consider becoming a stylist,' she said then turned her attention back to the purse. Footsteps on the stairs caused Jake's head to jerk in that direction. 

Emily trotted down wearing a blue, casual summer dress. She was studying a chain between her fingers. 'Here you go,' she said to her daughter. Emily looked up and saw Jake standing in the living room. She brightened. 'Jake!' she said and handed her daughter the chain. Jake noticed Athena rolling her eyes as she took the chain from her mother's fingers. Emily didn't seem to notice since her attention was on Jake. As soon as the chain left her fingers, she was on her way to him. She hugged him tightly. 'Oh, my goodness, you look great!' she said. Jake laughed and hugged her back. 'Now, you two be good tonight,' she said and winked at Jake when she stopped hugging him. Jake chuckled. Athena walked over to them and Emily gave her daughter a hug. 'Try not to kill your cousin,' she said. 

Athena smiled. 'Is that an order?' she asked. 

Emily rolled her eyes and let go of her daughter. 'Its a desperate request. Now go, before you're late,' she said and placed a hand behind each of their backs, ushering them out. 


Athena glanced over at Jake from the passenger seat. He really did look good. After she got a good look, she lay back against the seat of his Volvo and stared up out of the window, watching dark sky. After yet another long argument, she finally gave in and allowed Jake to drive, realising that it would be a bit embarrassing if she got out the driver's seat at an event where she was to be the lady-like possible - especially with her family. She wouldn't tell Jake, but she was grateful that he was going with her now. She hoped Liz still had a massive crush on him so that she could just back off for the night. Plus, knowing she wasn't showing up alone made things easier for her. At least this way she knew there was something Liz wouldn't torment her about. 

'Are you scared?' Jake asked suddenly. She looked at him, startled. Jake glanced at her then turned his attention back to the road. 

'What would I be scared of?' she asked. 

Jake shrugged. 'You've always been a bit scared of Liz,' he said. 

She scoffed. 'If you haven't noticed, Jake, a lot has changed over the last three years.' She shook her head and stared out of the window again, but this time she watched the lamps fling by. 'I'm not afraid of anyone,' she added quietly. 

Jake remained silent for a few seconds. 'So, what's our game plan for tonight? How long are we staying?' he asked. 

Athena sighed. 'If it were up to me, we wouldn't even be going, but usually I stay for about two hours, just so that my family knows I was there then makeup some completely believable excuse, and bail.' She said. 

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