Chapter 2

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Destiny. (10:34 am)

"Wake up." I hear Tay whisper into my ear.

I sit up forgetting I was here.

"Imma take you home, ight?" He says taking the blankets off of him and standing up.

He stretches and goes to his closet finding a sweater to throw on.

I get up and go the the dresser grabbing my sweater.

He puts his hoodie on and turns around to face me.

"What's your name?" He asks me.

"Destiny." I say.

"Alri, my name is Taymor call me Tay tho." He says.

"One more question." He says.

"Yea?" I ask.

"How old are you?" He asks.

"16." I reply.

He nodded putting his hood up.

He pulls out some nike slides and puts them on.
He leads me out of his room and downstairs. He grabs his gun off of the table and opens the front door.

"W-why the gun?" I ask.

"W-why ask." He mocks me walking out the door.

I follow behind him and he takes me to a car. He grabs keys out of his pocket unlocking the car. He gets in the drivers seat and I go around to the other side getting in the passenger seat. He puts the keys in the engine starting the car.

"So where you live?" He asks.

"333, Hunway Bay." I reply.

"Ight." He says driving.

We sit in silence for the rest of the ride until he pulls up to my house.

"Thank you for um, saving me?" I raised an eyebrow.

I hate looking at him. He just looks so, idk. Scary? Cold hearted?

"You're welcome shorty." He says.

I get out of the car and start walking up the front doorsteps as he drives away. I open the door and my momma was in the kitchen.

"Goodmorning momma." I say to her.

She turned around and looked at me with a straight face.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

"I called Keisha lastnight and she said you weren't with her." She says crossing her arms.

"Where the hell were you?!" She yells at me getting ready to grab the belt beside her.

Yes I'm 16. Yes my mom still beats me with a belt. Yes I'm still scared of her. She big scary.

"No please listen momma." I beg her.

She leans against the wall looking into my eyes.

"I almost got shot last night but this guy named Tay helped me by shoving me behind a car." I say.

"So where were you all night?" She asks raising one of her eyebrows.

"We went to his house or something and he said I either have a choice to walk home and have a chance of getting killed or stay the night and he'll take me home in the morning." I say.

"What's his name and how old is he?" She asks.

"T-Taymor and I don't know how old he is." I replied.

She gasps.

"Don't ever go near that boy again!!" She shouts at me.

"Why? What's wrong?" I ask.

"You didn't hear about what happened about a month ago?! Some kid name Taylor was involved in a home invasion that left somebody dead! Are you stupid Destiny?!" She yelled.

I furrow my eyebrows.

"S-Sorry momma." I replied.

"Don't go near him again." She scoffed, placing her belt down.

"I don't even have any way to contact him so I'll probably never see him again." I say placing my sweater on the couch.

"Good." She says sighing.

I sit down on the couch criss cross.

"Destiny." My mom says.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Please I'm begging you, I don't want you to get killed." She says.

"Well you should thank Tay because he saved my life lastnight." I say crossed my arms.

"Why were you on the extra ghetto side of this neighbourhood!?" She faintly yells.

"I got lost momma! I took a wrong turn!" I shout back.

"Did he do anything to you?" She asks.

"No. I slept at his house and he drove me home this morning that's it." I say taking out my phone.

"Okay." She says heading towards the stairs.

* * * * *

I just relaxed at home for a while.
My mom was in the kitchen doing dishes.

"Momma?" I say.

"Yes?" She replies.

"I'm going to go to the store and I'll put a map on my phone so I know where to go." I say.

"Alright, buy me the dill pickle chips." She says heading up the stairs.

I haven't took my shoes off so I head towards the door and walk down the front steps.
I unlock my phone and go to google maps, I put my location on so I can see the nearest lil store. I see a store called  "JuJai Shop." I start walking following the directions.

10 minutes later

I turn around the corner and the shop is right there. I head up the stairs and open the door. I walk inside and see somebody yelling at the cashier while holding a gun to their head.
A bell goes off as the door shuts. And the person turns around and looks at me. I see it's Tay. I back away slowly opening the door.

"Stop." He says sternly as the cashier hands him money.

I stand at the door not saying a word. Tay takes the gun from the mans head and heads towards me, he grabs my arm and drags me into a back alley.

"Don't tell anyone." He says.

"B-but-" I get cut of by him grabbing my face and kissing me.

"Just listen! Don't fucking tell anyone aight?!" He shouts at me.

"O-okay." I say as my eyes become watery.

"Give me your number." He says as he pulls out his phone.

I tell him my number.

"Don't tell anyone or you'll end up dead, and I mean it." He says putting his gun behind his belt and walking away.
I leave the back alley and decide to just leave. Fuck the chips.


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