The Fight

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   The battle lasts forever. It never stops. It comes barreling to you the moment you think your through. For some the battle is easier, but for the few the battle is harder than expected. If fought well enough life will grant you its riches. For those who lose they are sent into a pit of despair never allowed to come out.

        I have been fighting this battle for god knows how long. I have never given up hope but I'm getting desperate for it to stop. It would be easy for me to lie down in defeat and say that I'm done after being knocked down over and over again, but I don't want to be the one that gives up. I want to be the person who battles against all the odds and still succeeds after every punch thrown at them. 

           I start to think that its all a fantasy. After, all my life I've been made to think that I'm not good enough. That I'm to fat, too skinny, and just not the right person. Every time I try to rise I am pushed down by the weight of the words, labels, and stereotypes that people place on me. I am shutout and ignored when I try to speak out. I am expected to be quiet and ignorant about it. I am made to think that success is for other people and not me.  

                  Still, I push those people away and say to myself "You are stronger than everybody thinks you are. you are perfect the way you are. Let people judge you. Let them say what they want to say. Let them think what they want to think. You have to remember that you are beautiful, strong, and confident. You are you don't change that for anybody."

                        I still struggle from time to time but now I know to believe in myself and to never give up. I am now starting to win my battles. I have more confidence in my self than I ever did before. I will become the shining star I want to be. I know that I have to work for it as much as I can, but if you can dream it the god dammit you can achieve it.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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